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Everything posted by Aviator01

  1. It’s here if you can read this, and it isn’t if you can’t. Is plutonium edible?
  2. I send an X-Wing to blow up the Death Star. Explosion.
  3. Unfortunately, the box has signed an NDA and cannot be opened,
  4. As no one has stepped in to claim the lack of a hill, I do. My nonexistent hill.
  5. While it did not exactly state that KSP 2 is dead, KSP 2, being the sequel, has every reason to be above KSP 1 in the forum if it is still in active development. The fact that they will most likely be putting it below the KSP 1 forum is a very strong indication that it is dead.
  6. Dakota made a poll asking if the KSP 1 section of the forum should be moved to the top of the forum. If KSP 2 was still in development, they would not do this.
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