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Everything posted by Aviator01

  1. Floor 5063: A team of skydivers preparing to jump. This floor is close enough to the center of the habitat that the skydivers can choose if they want to fall up or down.
  2. Banned for lack of creativity in a ban, lack of originality in a ban, and lack of transparency in a ban.
  3. Banned for restricting access to the forum.
  4. Floor 5060: The door to floor 5061 almost never loads whenever you try to open it.
  5. P 58 I would like to clear up an earlier confusion. When the number was 56, it was lowered to 54, most likely by accident. I noticed this and increased the number by two in order to account for the mistake. Someone else noticed I had changed the number by two and corrected for that, so I am putting the number where it should be if no one had changed the number by two.
  6. We are aware that it may not sound like a good idea to base all of our calculations off of Kerbal Space Program, but we have RSS, RO, RP-1, and Principia all installed, so it should work fine. We are cancelling the Artemis program to begin construction on NASA's next-generation rocket, Untitled Space Craft.
  7. Floor 5058: You wait several hours for floor 5059 to load.
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