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Everything posted by Aviator01

  1. Granted. The selection menu is broken, and the only car you can select is your own. I wish for the ability to add video game bugs to real life and remove them at will.
  2. If my memory is correct, the forum moderators are under an NDA and have no more information than we do.
  3. I would absolutely agree that these changes are beneficial to the game, however I am concerned that they appear to indicate that KSP 2 will not receive any more updates. I am also disappointed that none of the features that were promised shortly before the developers were laid off such as better performance and improved volumetric clouds were included in this patch.
  4. In my opinion "Update" v0.2.2.0 is just actually a patch, as there are no new features. Noticeably, none of the features promised in the Some Improvements on the Way dev update are in this patch. In addition to this, it says that they updated the game credits and removed the private division launcher. I cannot think of any reason to remove the launcher unless the game is going to be cancelled. On the bright side, it looks like a mass refund is more likely than an unfinished release simply to keep the game up for sale.
  5. Granted. Your one ring gives you the exclusive rights to own and use the words "them" and "all". In order to prevent other people from using these words that they do not have the right to use, you are notified by all existing means of contact every single time someone else uses one of these words. I wish for Ship 29 to be recovered and put in a museum.
  6. Super Legendary Ultra Mega Loot Kerbox! Only $29.99! Drop Chances of Items:
  7. Granted. You cannot tell which solar system you are traveling to and you cannot bring any life support. I wish for control of the KSP IP.
  8. On my Minimus mission in exploration mode, before they patched out the feature bug of the sun’s light blocking out the stars during the day, I flew Jebediah Kerman halfway across the planet with his jetpack to collect more science. Jeb reached orbital altitude and the view of Minimus stretching out below me in the complete darkness of space was beautiful.
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