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  1. Well, I have encountered the shiny Earth issue again. Fortunately, there have been no more issues with Mars turning grey or pink and stripey, nor has Earth had any of the typical red or green pixely artifacts. I should note that I am using one of Scatterer's most recent versions, so Volumetric Clouds works. I know there is a conflict between KSRSS and Scatterer 0.8.x, but if I use 0.7.x then clouds don't work. Is there a way to make the clouds work with 0.7? Perhaps downgrading to Volumetric Clouds release 3? Also, what is TVC (since thrust-vector control doesn't fit this context )
  2. I'm working on an experiment to give Waterfall capability for all AirplanePlus jet engines. Here's the Cheetah engine!
  3. I did that and have had no problems so far. Thank you.
  4. I already have KSRSS Reborn. I do have the 64k stuff, should I get rid of it, then? And, the Scatterer I'm using is the Scatterer that comes with blackrack's Volumetric Clouds mod. I'm not using free EVE. I should note that the only issues I'm having are the atmosphere sometimes goes red or shiny on the dark side of the planet, and Mars (the only other planet that I've visited that has issues) sometimes has a grey atmosphere.
  5. Has this mod been continued somewhere else? Also, are there any fixes for KSRSS and Scatterer 0.8.x conflicts? I know I can downgrade to, however that version of Scatterer doesn't work with volumetric clouds.
  6. You mean to say, then, that this mod isn't dead? Please expand.
  7. What mod for the painting? At first I thought TURD but the nosecone doesn't look stock.
  8. Thanks, Dan, that's a bummer. Hopefully it will be implemented soon!
  9. Hey, what's the difference between the free one (available on CKAN) and the paid on (only on Patreon)? The free one is pretty good but I sort of want to know how good the paid version one is in comparison. To know if I want to buy it or not.
  10. AMAZING MOD!! I'm using the KSP2 soundtracks and they are FIRE One issue though, when I touch down on the surface of a planet/moon, the music stops immediately. Is there any way to make it fade out in the settings? If not is this something that you expect to implement?
  11. Doesn't work for larger monitors; it shows the protractor off-center.
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