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Everything posted by ArgentBlue

  1. I remember that RMM and BDB have boattails that include flexible thermal blanket sections, perhaps adding a flexible segment with the same diameter between the two boattail sizes with only the fixed segment varying would help?
  2. Now that we have a four radial tank version, question is, can we eventually get three? Unfortunately I don't know much about the process of ksp modeling, or 3d modeling in general so this might not work, but if the issue is related to not being able to stretch the textures further perhaps making a sort of tank extension part or part switch with the forward bulkheads and raceways of the central and radial tanks along with a short cylindrical extension tank extension that would fit over the standard length tanks like a hat would work?
  3. Perhaps spliting the ventral fin into three parts, a decoupler, a parachute, and a control surface, may work? Though the actual parachute part would have to fit within the control surface part without clipping when it is deflected which would generate its own set of headaches.
  4. Only if it's not too much to ask would it also be possible to do the same for the fgb 2.5m adapters or a proton fairing option similar to bdb's comet hllv lander fairing for making tks?
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