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  1. 70 employees is way, way higher than 5% of T2 workforce? Uh, no?
  2. I dont get the purpose of this post. Wait and see.... for what? What are we waiting for exactly? Our saviors to come down from high and wave a magic wand over this game? Its 3.5 years since full game abnounced launch all the way back in 2020. Look at this broken polished turd. I'm tired of waiting. Team Nate Simpson effed around, and found out. Its that simple. This game is DONE. The vast majority of the raodmap TOAST.
  3. LOL we'll get an announcement about an announcement after they sprint plan their announcement schedule. Freak out or dont freak out It doesnt matter dawg. [snip]
  4. Been following since day 1. This place only became critical of the game recently. Pretty much since the ForScience! honeymoon wore off. For so, so long this place way hype train this and kapibara that... Wanna throw up in my mouth thinking about all the coddling that went on here. It was gross and y'all should be ashamed.
  5. This forum. And Discord. And the inability of the whole KSP2 team to deliver on anything they said. But this forum, and Discord.... Anyone who said anything critical was pushed out. (an obvious exaduration... only here or Discord would anyone have to spell out generalizations and sarcasm) You all created an environment where it was OK to under achieve. I really, really despise this place.
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