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Everything posted by Nuko

  1. I think the CKAN version is outdated? Because it is lower version number and release date is 2021, but Curseforge is 2023? Too bad that i only use CKAN for everything. About the module manager from Curseforge is from the automatic install or the manual? Because i want to do the manual and can not find it anywhere.
  2. Hello very nice tool. Im planing to use it with the outer planets and the near Near Future Exploration mods. But i don't really understand how the reflectors work. I thought a reflector had always a positive outcome, but when i put some reflectors in the cell of the spreadsheet i get reduced power and range compared to an antenna without a reflector. Should i put only high tier reflectors to matching tier antennas ? edit: you can ignore this post, i started to understand the feed effectiveness and how affects the antennas.
  3. Some mods that i use like forever: Real chute, Missing History, Easy vessel switch, Simple Fuel Switch, [x] Science! Continued, 4kSP_Expanded, Chatterer. Im gonna try some of your list tomorrow and maybe the ZTheme.
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