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Everything posted by theogameren

  1. i found a problem with sarnusplus. the issue is researchbodies. it just does not hide the objects
  2. uhh, bro, you added the link tothe Sarnus Plus Spacedock link page in the Urlum Plus area Oh, OPX-UrlumPlus isn't released on Spacedock
  3. I have ... let me count WOO T-00:05:00 SOON should I include KcalBeloh in the counting? 129 celestials, excluding kcalbeloh system, including everithing else, even WH-smth a T-00:00:00 EDIT: +3 objects because somebody released a new mod
  4. no not because of the lag because of how many objects i have Don't ask how many objects I have. DON'T.
  5. ok It's a visual effect, so i'm fine I will die if somebody forces me to do a grand tour of the kerbol system with my install. btw i'm watching falcon 9 launch after getting grounded
  6. Cool, also when does Sarnus screenshots come? I have a bug to commit, the ring in the main menu overlaps the text.
  7. There is a bug in the main menu. Sarnus's ring is black. EDIT: nvm issue fixed
  8. Also, I've noticed something you have to fix. In the upcoming installments list, NeidonPlus is still on that list.
  9. WOOO YEAH BABY also i responded a bit late due to me having that selfish error 502 and error 503 all the time and my ksp install takes 10 min. to load
  10. It appears the day is 23. July for me. I live in UTC+01, btw. @The Minmus Derp, when is the new release of NeidonPlus coming?
  11. As of now, OPM is not a dependency, But later, when all the other Add-ons get released, depending on whatever Add-ons you have, OPM will be a dependency. It replaces the planets, though, and calls them for example BetterJool instead of Jool.
  12. I would like an Apophis analog, And making Dres better (to be honest, Dres sucks.) You can just use my simple config on my dres removal mod, if you want it GONE.
  13. I play with that, and it works! AVP ruins the texture, though, and I have not tested with Spectra. EDIT: stripped some configs and textures that delete those stupid stripes on Jool. Can't look at it now, going to sleep.
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