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Everything posted by Lonelykermit

  1. My apologies for asking so many questions but how can i add lights in iva?
  2. @Don0303Hatch issue is fixed, do you know how to make ladders (in FreeIva)? I can't really find any documentation on the wiki.
  3. The other part is for sspxr im just testing to see if the hatch works properly, when i try it with the other internals i made it moslty works fine.
  4. Is there any way I can get the hatches to connect? When i try to interact with the other hatch it says it's obstructed?
  5. @Don0303I'm a bit confused when it comes to the tube for the hatches, I'm planning on using one of the tubes already included with the FreeIva mod but i don't know if i have to place it in the hatch model itself or i just have to specify it in the config file. Could you clarify?
  6. Just a heads up to say that Near Future Props will be required as a dependency in the next version.
  7. After multiple unity and PC crashes I think I'm on course to adding IVA props and hopefully adding FreeIva support. @Don0303 I'll notify you if i encounter any issues or need help.
  8. For the IVA's I don't think i'll be able to make it compatible with FreeIva, mostly due to my incompetence and lack of knowledge :p.
  9. Currently tearing my hair out trying to get ksp parttools to add props. God i hate unity.
  10. Fixed, it's because i was dumb and decided to use github instead of imgur.
  11. Thinking of making a sort of tutorial once I release this mod (soon). But basically you land your part (along with an airlock), right click inflate the module, then using Kerbal Konstructs place a regolith mound of your choice to cover it. v0.2 Release > Added VAB Organiser support > Fixed CoM issue > Added new airlock part
  12. Oh yeah i'm planning to add IVA's ASAP, I'd love to hear your suggestions since they're aren't many pictures of the interior of the original ESA concept.
  13. Nearly right after i posted this i realised i forgot to test it with deferred. Relieved to say the parts look okay still.
  14. This is my first mod here, I hope you enjoy! Kolony Constructs aims to add a suite of new parts and statics for building bases and colonies. What this mod adds (so far) ESA "Moon village" inspired parts/statics Screenshots: Required mods: Module manager Kerbal Konstructs Stockalike station parts expansion redux (for the inflatable dome logic) Highly recommended mods: Planetside exploration technologies (for the airlocks and staircases shown in the screenshots) OSSNTR Roadmap & Future Plans: IVA's Compatibility with other mods (USI, MKS, Kerbalism) KSP2 inspired colony parts/statics ????? Download (Beta): Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3704/Kolony Constructs Github: https://github.com/Lonelykermit/Kolony-Constructs LICENSE: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007
  15. Could the reliability configs be added as an optional patch? I really like that feature from kerbalism
  16. Curious on how long it took you to install 150 mods manually
  17. Wait what where is this poll! (Wait nvm I'm dumb... it's this thread smh...)
  18. Is it even possible to implement the multiple root part feature from ksp2 in ksp1? Like is that hardcoded into the game or can it be changed?
  19. Have you playtested the new fuel changes?
  20. If you're intending to have a tank for each "size", you may have forgotten 3.75m tanks.
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