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Everything posted by Lonelykermit

  1. Haven't checked this thread in a while, is scatterer/EVE compatibility being worked on?
  2. Not to spoil anything but i believe it is still being developped
  3. Black holes would be a very welcome addition. I havent had the timd to install this mod yet but i'm very excited to try!
  4. Never thought of that! I'll look into it when i find the time
  5. Congrats on the first release!! Hope to see this on github/spacedock soon
  6. Version 1.1 Added hexagonal mirror variant Added new hexagonal and bare mirror pattern options Adjusted config parameters (I still don't really know if it's balanced so please tell me if it isn't) Screenshots:
  7. I'll play around with TU and see if it's any better or not
  8. Ah thank you, I'm not too well versed on the config parameters, will be updating that soon.
  9. Not quite sure what you mean by this It can indeed work as a sunshield
  10. Whoops, mistake on my part making the costs so high, fixing that in a bit
  11. It has an insanely high heat tolerance and very little heat conductivity, i havent tested it as a heat shield but feel free to test it out as one.
  12. Some extra ISV Venture star eye candy featuring a bunch of other mods, notably Sterling Systems, OPT, and SSPXR.
  13. MirrorShields What this mod adds: - 4 new mirror shields of different shapes REQUIRED MODS (This mod won't work without these): - Resurfaced - B9 Part Switch - ModuleManager RECOMMENDED MODS: - Tweakscale Rescaled Part screenshots: Download: (On CKAN) - Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3761/MirrorShield - Github: https://github.com/Lonelykermit/MirrorShields/tree/main?tab=readme-ov-file License: GNU General Public License Version 3
  14. Progress might have been a little... Halted for a bit due do me accidentally uninstalling my entire ksp folder (No, I cannot recover it)... Thankfully i have an iron will and am going to start work on some ksp2 style statics before doing a complete overhaul of the moon village. My stupidity claims another victim...
  15. Would be funny if you added a "Boeing mode" that throttled the engines and made some of the thrusters fail.
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