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Mr. Kerbin

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Posts posted by Mr. Kerbin

  1. 20 minutes ago, MacintoshKSP said:

    The mod just isn't installing on Mac- none of the parts seem to show up. Anyone have any idea what's going on with it?


    Well, I have a Mac, and it works fine. Three things I can think of -1. You used CKAN, but as far as I know, it is different here on Macs, and is much odder to use. But you do say "CKAN is my sworn enemy", so..... 2. You downloaded it incorrectly. It must in Gamedata  as StationPartsExpansionRedux. 3. You do not have all dependencies.  You also need Near Future Props, B9PartSwitch, and ModuleManager. They must all be in the Gamedata folderBut not the one they came with when downloaded.

  2. I build public relations with RedAl1en1, and we now have a co-base/settlement/city/something.

    Our hill. 


    -insert Soviet music here-


  3. I get Wernher von Kerman to build a K-2 ICBM and explode your base, then rebuild the hill. My hill.

  4. KASA-Ad Astra Ibimus

    To The Stars We Will Go.

    Hello! You join me in the middle of a save, at a Duna Transfer Window. So far we have

    - built relay stations

    - found many anomalies on The Mun

    - built a type of interplanetary vehicle 

    - and are currently building a new base on Minmus.(This is on pause until the Sandcastle mod is finished.)

    Part 1: Duna, the red planet.


     Today, the InterPlanetary eXperimental  Transfer Vehicle-2 "Destiny"  or IPXTV-2 "Destiny"  with Jeb, Val, Bill, and Bob. Its 4 nuclear NV-GE "Liberator" engines complete the transfer burn. Since it has a giant centrifuge, at up to 0.6 G, the crew should be happy. The IPXTV design is capable of reaching Eve, Duna, and Dres. Maybe even Jool if flown correctly. But we have the bigger DSXTV for Jool, Moho, and Eeloo. However, Mortimer Kerman screamed when looking at it.


    Off we go!

    As of current, the Advanced Descent-Ascent Vehicle-1 "Olympus"  is also on route to Duna, and may land also on Ike, if all goes well.


    .. and so is the base. Its gigantic size is because of the rule that the KSC has. "Would you want to be in there for that long?"


    Mortimer Kerman, however, was found crying in the admin building. In his defense, the lander and base costed 2,429,232 funds

    But in the Tracking Station, Kermit Kerman, a planetary scientist, decides to look at the old KSPedia book. Rarely anyone uses it. But when he gets to the part about Dres, he finds something he had never noticed.

    "... Some astronomers have noticed variations in gravitational measurements around Dres. While only slight, perhaps there is something more to this gray dwarf."

    He went into the R&D building to check- all of the documents however, including from the only Dres mission, "Ceres-1", about Dres were destroyed on the Great Dres Rebellion from the "Dres Hoax Society". There was one page that survived the attack, but it was lost.

    He then thought, "What are you hiding, Dres?"


    This is real!


    I never knew about it, until I checked(I don't remember why).


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