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Mr. Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mr. Kerbin

  1. Banned for not banning the user above you and not saying NEW PAGE!
  2. Uh… @DanteB you can only make the number go down. 973
  3. Lampshades don't produce McDonalds, they cover the bills and use
  4. Stop playing with your virtual green-S space frogs and go touch grass.
  5. Poll is open for Tyrant's oceans! Likely I would add the ocean to some other body if removed.
  6. Well, tomorrow, try without Parallax. EDIT: The mod says Parallax compatibility is coming in the distant future.
  7. The mod maker said to download manually and then that worked. (look at the attached post then read the one below) It’s not just 1.8+ mods.
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