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  1. 大家好,我有一个问题。我加载了游戏,但卡在一个无限的黑色加载屏幕上,上面有旋转的行星。 https://imgur.com/a/vbbpgPi
  2. Hello, I want to ask where the connectors of the two solid rockets are, but I can't find them. Can you show me a picture? Thank you
  3. The problem has been solved. Thank you very much. I'm very curious about the new content. Can you reveal it?
  4. Hello, I found something wrong with my Long March 2 rocket booster. This is not the same as what I saw on the video website.The picture is here.https://imgur.com/a/geDOOMo
  5. Hello, everyone. I have encountered a difficult problem. The pneumatic arrow in the game cannot be turned off. What should I do?
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