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Señor Kerbal

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  1. Unfortunately, ‘ideal’ KSP does not exist without a super beefy computer and/or no mods… This has happened to me many times, and I believe it’s caused by the game switching from physical to on-rails simulation. I would try restarting your computer, or (if you’re willing to go this far) uninstalling and reinstalling your copy of KSP. This has worked for me the past couple times. A quick solution would be to do what is said above: use the 5x warp mode and then ‘warp to’.
  2. Rover Fresh Minmus Mints Tin of mints (think Altoids) Kerbals can keep these in their rovers on long excursions, like going to the store to buy more Rover Fresh Minmus Mints Rover Fresh Minmus Mints: Your breath has to smell great, even when flipping through the air uncontrollably!
  3. Of course. Every time we sit down together and try to play and he usually gets frustrated and leaves. I’m also not the best teacher in the world, so that might have something to do with it. Thank you for the advice, everyone! I’ll set him up with some videos he can watch, and he’ll be on his KSP journey.
  4. Hi everyone! I recently joined this forum, and I was wondering if you guys could help with this issue I was having with my brother. I have set him up in the past with my computer, and he has a laptop with a version of KSP on it, but he doesn’t know anything about orbital mechanics or how to make a functional rocket. He’s a smart kid (11) and wants to learn, but he has resisted doing any of the tutorials and when I try to teach him anything, he gets up and leaves. Is there any way to teach him without the tutorials or anything like school? Let me repeat, he really wants to learn. Thank you!
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