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Everything posted by Bekiekutmoar

  1. I play 100% stock although I wouldn't say I 'hate' mods. I simply don't use them.
  2. !! - Possible spoiler below - !! - - - Posing in front of the desert temple.
  3. I consider Laythe as a chilly, windy world virtually sterilized due to Jool's radiation. Perhaps some simple life could exist (deep) in the oceans.
  4. Update: the KSC decided to focus on the Grotesque-class ship that was stranded in orbit around Moho. This ship flew to Moho to rescue Lensfrey Kerman (the kerbonaut that got stranded on Moho during the first mission), but ran out of fuel and needed rescue itself. The KSC refused to send any more kerbonauts to the innermost planet, and instead launched an unmanned collection of fuel-tanks into space. Eventually, a lengthy burn and some corrections afterwards sent the unmanned craft to Moho. Relative velocity in the SOI of Moho turned out to be around 5360 m/s, a brilliant new record ... ! Nevertheless, after slowing down and matching orbit with the stranded vessel, enough fuel was left to completely refuel the ship in question. The crew was delighted when they realized help was nearby, and dumped the now empty lander. Rendez-vous and refueling. The Hohmann-transfer back to Kerbin began when the planets were correctly aligned. The journey back home wasn't without problems and some extensive correction-burns were needed to reach the SOI of Kerbin, resulting in 95% of available fuel being used. Kerbins SOI was reached 50 days after leaving SOI of Moho. Relative speed increased to almost 5700 m/s just before entering the atmosphere, so the transfer-vessel got roasted thoroughly and its solar panels shattered in a matter of seconds. But the crew survived the BBQ and were happy to eventually set foot again on their home planet. Meanwhile, the KSC planned a rescue-mission to the vessel still stuck in solar orbit ..... !
  5. Looks like a decent update. I'm not that hyped over the new ASAS-system (although its a good thing ... !!) because I've never had any serious problems with out-of-control-ASAS. Might be due to the fact I've never build complex and long ships. Gotta say the visual overhaul of the KSC and the Mun looks pretty good.
  6. Lemme think ... Well, quite some things actually. Never did a return mission from Moho, Eve, Laythe, Tylo, Vall, Bop, Pol, Eeloo and Dres. Never reached Eeloo, Pol, and Bop in the first place (as in at least orbit)
  7. I'm preparing to finish the current space program as version 0.21 approaches: The mission to Duna ends after 379 days with a fiery re-entry in Kerbins atmosphere. Heavy lander enters orbit around Eve to eventually retrieve two Kerbals from the surface. Chance of succes probably lower than 10%. Lander ascents from Moho and has already made a successful rendez-vous with interplanetary transfer vessel. That transfer ship is however low on fuel and cannot return to Kerbin ATM ... !
  8. Looks like KSP-version 0.21 is going to break compatibility with current saves and ships, so I gotta step up and wrap up the current space-program. This includes pulling back 2 Kerbals stuck on Eve, 3 Kerbals in an equatorial orbit around Moho and 2 more Kerbals stuck in solar orbit. The plan is to fabricate unmanned ships that are totally dedicated to refueling stranded vessels in remote locations. Such a ship would consist of many smaller tanks that can be disposed when depleted, thus increasing TWR. Its gonna be difficult but its possible.
  9. Looks like its time to wrap up my space program and withdraw a number of Kerbonauts from Eve and Moho. Easier said than done I think ... !
  10. After some orbital construction the rescue-ship was completed and the mission started. After the initial burn another 800 m/s burn was needed to correct my route into the SOI of Moho. Gotta say the rescue-mission looked pretty optimistic at that time. However, the crew realized far too late another correctional burn was needed to lower periapsis to around 300 km and that resulted in another 800 m/s wasted. Could have been done with just 50 m/s or so if correctly timed ... ! Relative velocity when reaching the SOI of Moho was - again - around 4500 m/s but eventually the rescue-vessel managed to go into orbit. Two problems however; the orbit was polar and just around 280 units of liquid fuel (and 300-something oxidizer) remained in the tanks of the transfer vessel. Not enough to return to Kerbin and probably too little to reach Eve. However, a lander managed to pick up the stranded Kerbal from the previous mission and might have enough fuel left to go into orbit again. The KSC decided to halt new manned missions to Moho and is planning to send unmanned fuel-tanks in the (near) future to save the 7 Kerbals stuck on and around Moho.
  11. Update: the rescue team now needs to be rescued too ... !
  12. My first mission to Moho resulted in a stranded Kerbal on Moho and two others in solar orbit. Underestimated the required Delta-V a bit. I'm launching a rescue mission as I speak.
  13. Never attempted a return-mission from Eve before but I'm going to try it soon. I've already fabricated a Asparagus-style lander with a mass of 71.54 tonnes and its supposed to land on highlands (at least 4000 meters above molten lead-level). It has to pick up 2 Kerbals.
  14. Right. I'm using a Grotesque-class vessel again with extra large fuel-tanks docked behind it. The combination still needs a lander, crew, refueling, transfer-window and then off to Moho.
  15. It sure is a challenging target ... ! I'm preparing a rescue-mission as we speak. It'll take some time to construct a decent ship in orbit.
  16. Impressive ... ! What an effort and what a magnificent result. Keep up the (very) good work ... !
  17. There are indeed some differences between Eve and Venus; apart from the color also the thickness of the atmosphere. Eve has 5 bar on sea-level, Venus a whopping 92 bar ... ! I think the devs didn't implemented a similar atmosphere on Eve for gameplay-reasons; descending would take ages and ascending would be virtually out of the question. A dense cloud-cover, occasional lightning, acid rain, and dangerous heat would make Eve a lot more aggressive. From the sound of things this is a WIP.
  18. I tried it, but realized too late that putting a Kerbal in the rover seat is done by right-clicking the seat itself ... ! Well, the Kerbal on Moho decided to drive to a nearby crater for some nice scenery, but he forgot one important thing ... Parking brakes ... ! Now the rover lies on the bottom of the crater in several pieces.
  19. I play this game frequently but yesterday I realized I've never landed a Kerbal on Moho. So a mission to Moho was being prepared and some factors were taken into account; being close to the Sun, Moho has a (very) high orbital velocity, aerobraking isn't possible, and the orbit of the planet is heavily inclined ... ! So the KSC came up with this creation: The transfer-window was already there and therefore the escape-burn began ... ! 3 brave Kerbonauts would go where no man (at least in my game) had gone before. After the initial burn of between 1500 and 2000 m/s Delta-V the computers calculated the ship would arrive 'too early', or ahead of Moho. A correctional burn of around 850 m/s was needed and after 26 days another 1650 m/s Delta-V was required to match orbital inclination with Moho. The extra fuel-tanks (see first image) where completely depleted and the main tank of the transfer vessel (named Grotesque) was 15% depleted. When entering the SOI of Moho, the relative velocity shocked the crew: 4550 m/s ... ! Returning to Kerbin with this ship was out of the question. The retroburn began early to avoid overshooting the planet and ending up drifting in interplanetary space. Relative velocity was reduced to around 2100 m/s when the fuel-tanks of the transfer vessel were completely depleted. Too fast to achieve orbit around Moho and the crew was about to be shot into interplanetary space, where the chances of being rescued are slim due to the enormous distances. There was only one option: the Lander ... ! One Kerbal could go into the capsule while the other two would hold onto the capsule outside. The mission descended into complete chaos. Pieces floating around everywhere, Kerbals falling off the capsule. Two Kerbals ended up floating in space and about to be shot into interplanetary space, but they luckily managed to reach the Grotesque (y'know, the transfer vessel). Although they are now stuck in a solar orbit, at least they can enjoy a spacious and pressurized capsule. The third Kerbal actually managed to set foot on the surface of Moho, but is also unable to go home. Long story short: do not underestimate the Delta-V needed for a succesful mission to Moho ... !
  20. Yeah, pretty shocking indeed ... ! Never asked myself what was keeping the Moon in orbit without gravity outside atmospheric boundaries.
  21. A mission to rescue 2 Kerbals from Eve is being prepared. The lander has a mass of 71.54 tonnes and is (hopefully) capable of lifting 2 Kerbals off the Evian surface and into orbit. The massive lander will be 'towed' to Eve when Kerbin and Eve are correctly aligned.
  22. Gotta say at least 80% of what I know about space, orbital mechanics, etc. comes from KSP. A game ... ! Before KSP, I thought there was no gravity outside the atmosphere, you could reach the sun by simply pointing a rocket at it, and the moon made an orbit around earth in 26 hours.
  23. Brilliant work ... ! What programs does one need to fabricate celestial bodies? Several years ago I made custom Half-Life 2 levels with a SDK, and I'd like to test my modding skills again ...
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