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Everything posted by Bekiekutmoar

  1. Some random pics: Munar landscape through a window. A rover at 59 degrees northern latitude on Duna. Navigating a plane through a maze.
  2. When you flew all the way to Jool and hit the F9-button to quicksave and then suddenly find yourself on the launchpad again ...
  3. I've explored Kerbin lately with a simple VTOL. Flying over a mountain range. Ascending over the northern polar region. Looks like its broken.
  4. Trip to a mountain range with a simple VTOL. Approaching target area ... ... Landed. Gotta say landing on uneven terrain is a bit tricky, even with a VTOL.
  5. My plane broke up into pieces when I landed upside-down. Plz plz fix this bug. On a serious note: I haven't encountered bugs or serious lag yet. My sytem: Pentium IV 3,0GhZ, 2 GB RAM and 8800GT Videocard.
  6. A second gas giant called Grotesque, radius 5400 km and orbital distance between 91 and 107 million km, inclination 2,7 degrees. Color is blue and atmosphere extends to 177 km. Largest moon is called Musa, radius 500 km and orbital distance between 35.000 and 38.000 km, inclination 0,4 degrees. Gravity 6,95 m/s and atmospheric pressure 0,49 ATM. Kinda dark world with some volcanic activity and polar ice-caps. Second moon is Eeloo, radius 210 km and orbital distance between 89.000 and 114.000 km, inclination 6,6 degrees. Gravity 1,69 m/s, no atmosphere. Has some cryovolcanic phenomena.
  7. I'll build a number of descent ships and send them to the Jool system for thorough exploration. I'm a regular player of this game but never set foot on Tylo, Bop and Pol.
  8. Docking with RCS is easy for me. Docking two 'sentient' ships (command pod or probe module) without RCS is doable but usually takes more time. Docking to a non-sentient ship (for example a fuel tank with docking module) without RCS is impossible for me. I tried it recently around Dres, but got a little frustrated and eventually 'docked' the vessel with Dres going 500 m/s.
  9. Aah, reminds me of the days when I began playing KSP. I knew nothing about orbital mechanics and related phenomena, and just started creating makeshift rockets and probably killed more than 100 Kerbals before I managed to get into Kerbin orbit. Nowadays, I've got a basic understanding of orbital mechanics and can reach other planets without too much trouble, although I still screw up many times. The point is: this game has a higher difficulty than most mainstream games, but is very amusing to play when you (more or less) get the hang of it ... !
  10. I think Kerbals shouldn't be capable of developing FTL themselves, but that doesn't mean they can't 'borrow' the technology ... Possible solution; put alien FTL-technology somewhere in a hard-to-access area in the Kerbol System, like a deep canyon on Tylo. This technology can be a crashed and abandoned alien vessel, or some kind of engine that has somehow 'fallen off'. If the Kerbals want to acquire FTL, they should land on (in this case) Tylo with a ship capable of transferring a heavy piece of technology all the way back to Kerbin. If the precious cargo lands on Kerbin undamaged, new FTL-parts will become available in the VAB and SPH. Due to the size and mass of a functioning FTL-engine, construction would probably occur in orbit. The FTL-engine should be prone to catastrophic failure when activated in areas where gravity of celestial objects are a significant factor, and the ship should first be directed away from the Kerbal System (a Jool gravity assist results in a maximum distance of around 500 million km from Kerbol, should be enough).
  11. Humans have a violent nature while Kerbals are strictly peaceful. However, a human tends to go nuts when travelling for years in a small capsule while a Kerbal doesn't mind extreme long space-flights, extreme cases like Jebediah even thrive on it ... ! As mentioned before, the human race is violent but will analyse and approach an unknown vessel (Kerbal vessel) with extreme care, while the reckless Kerbals probably put a probe on a large SRB and fire it towards a human vessel to 'investigate'. Long story short: I wouldn't feel comfortable when travelling through the Kerbal system ... !
  12. I wouldn't mind DLC that actually add something to the game. Like another planetary system for 10 dollars. Or a celestial editor for 10 dollars.
  13. Thanks for managing a rapidly growing and sometimes turbulent online community, Damion. I can't imagine how challenging it can be sometimes. For me, you were the digital equivalent of Cesar Millan with your effectively done task of bringing order and discipline to the community/pack. Good luck with whatever path you've chosen now.
  14. I've read the mentioned thread and it seems Squad has entered a (very) turbulent phase. Could be the accumulation of earlier problems, like the DLC-crisis and the disappearance of half the forum because of a DDos-attack. Speculation ofcourse. Lets hope the situation isn't too grave.
  15. Tijd om het nieuwe Koningspaar in het zonnetje te zetten door een portret in KSP te modden en die vervolgens op de dagzijde van Moho te droppen ... ?
  16. I also launched a small rover to Minmus. The makeshift skycrane-like device to deliver the rover on the surface worked surprisingly well.
  17. I'm looking forward to the 0.18 update. Maybe it'll be released in the last days of november 2012. Btw, I've got some ideas for new planets; a dwarf planet called Dres with a notable deep canyon just south of its equator, and perhaps a small and icy planet beyond Jool. What name would be nice ... ? Ella? Eli? Nah ... I'd go for Eeloo.
  18. The Red Vision, a ship made out of 52 parts capable of doing a return-mission to the Mun, Minmus, Duna, Ike and Gilly. CPU-friendly and with a foolproof lander ... !
  19. Great vids Scott ... ! Especially your mission to Laythe gave me some ideas to build rockets with better performance in the future. Btw, I hear you caught a cold ... ?
  20. Rendezvous was the plan ... But the ship ended up in pieces after a failed landing; 3 landing legs attached to wings really is a bad idea.
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