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Everything posted by ProximaCentauri_star

  1. Now that I have the animation setup, I'm struggling to make it work in KSP, my goal is to have a PQS City that plays an animation on loop, no matter what I've tried didn't work. Pretty sure it's possible since some people in the KSS2 team pulled it off but refuse to explain how they did it. It's a bit of a struggle since documentation is lacking unfortunately.
  2. Thank you ! Currently I'm working on the Chaos system which is quite big (Chaos is the 1.0 update) : 1 star with - 1 lava planet - 1 Super Kerbin with 1 moon - 2 gas giants with each 4 moons - 1 dwarf planet with a moon - A binary planet system with a moon Then a brown dward orbiting at the edge of the system containing up to 4-5 planets including a habitable eyeball planet, an ice giant and a few other bodies Beyond 1.0 : The Tempus system from Beyond Home will be returning, but with a twist (as it is in a after kerbin-like state) In the later future a dead Kerbol system will make its appearance
  3. I'll check this out thx, will report later if it works or not
  4. I've been having an issue with the animation exports, basically when exported all animation tracks are put under one singular object within the empty, along as making non-animated objects invisible
  5. New update : https://github.com/ProximaCentauri-star/Celestial-Harmony/releases/tag/0.9.3
  6. It's a Kopernicus bug with very small objects, appears to be hardware dependent
  7. The forums had been down for a while, glad it's back. I made some progress on the Brown Dwarf subsystem
  8. It works fine with the latest volumetric release of EVE, but I haven't tested with older versions of EVE (non-volumetric)
  9. Welcome to the official Celestial Harmony thread ! Celestial Harmony is a sequel to the famous Beyond Home planet pack by @Gameslinx, set in the distant future where kerbalkind had to ultimately flee the Tempus system after Destiny entered its red giant phase and engulfed Fate during its expansion. Kerbalkind now find itself inside the Harmonia system, a rare and luxurious system featuring an habitable binary : Sanctar & Alia (Alia in current final phases of terraformation), where kerbalkind now calls home. Radio signals seem to be emitting from several bodies in the system, revealing abandonned artificial objects scattered across the system; Kerbals are not the first to have been here. Explore and find all of the anomalies to uncover the mysterious disparition of those who were here before and to trace them to their final destination, where they met or not their Demise. (Future *Chaos* star system that will be available in v1.0) This mod is currently under developpement. Here are the current available features: A complete Harmonia System - Mostly refined planets with unique caracteristics. Custom ground scatters and ground textures. Custom anomalies (easter eggs) / In progress, currently 5. Custom science definitions Custom scatterer and EVE configs + textures This mod is axed towards exploration, the goal is to provide a unique experience without too many repetitive planet explorations (to avoid similar bodies with same characteristics). Celestial Harmony is my first ever planet pack and I am continuously updating it with new aquired knowledge to meet today's standards for planet packs. The mod has a story told across diverse ways in the mod, paying attention to details could be useful. Watch the alpha trailer here (1.0 trailer coming soon) : (Most of the features presented in the trailer have been updated by now and are of better quality) Since Celestial Harmony is a system replacer, it is NOT compatible with other system replacers such as JNSQ, Beyond Home, Homeswitches, etc. Celestial Harmony has its own configs for certain visual mods. See below for more details. KSC Switcher is not supported. This is a list of mods that are NEEDED in order for Celestial Harmony to work: Kopernicus Niako's Kopernicus Utilities* VertexHeightOblateAdvanced by Lt_Duckweed* Duckweed's easy emissives* (* means they are bundled and do not require any external downloads) Celestial Harmony is compatible / provides support for the following mods : EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements - Supports volumetric clouds, do NOT install StockVolumetricClouds, Celestial Harmony has its own configs and textures Scatterer - If your scatterer download has a StockScattererConfigs folder, do not remove it Parallax (Parallax Continued is supported) Parallax_StockTextures is needed To use parallax you need to go in the main CelestialHarmony folder, click on the zipped folder corresponding to your parallax version and extract all Kcalbeloh System -WH3141-A (the wormhole on our side) will orbit around Aklarka. Planet packs that do not replace the stock system. Kerbal Konstruct : Custom launch sites on Sanctar Badly stitched together System map (Click the image above to be redirected to the Github page where you can download the mod) Future plans: At full release (1.0) Celestial Harmony will feature an additional star system, the Chaos system, composed of a Sun-like star and a distant brown dwarf sub-system. Some previews (Those are bodies that will release along 1.0, they are not yet available): Clost and Lorte Sublime Binary planets In the future additional star systems will come along as Celestial Harmony's stellar neighborhood. The first system coming in this sub-mod will be the Misfortune system; the remnants of the Tempus system For any support join the official Celestial Harmony discord server : https://discord.com/invite/rGF5Ge9y7f Licensing : All Rights Reserved by ProximaCentauri (To be changed on 1.0 release)
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