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Everything posted by StarDagger

  1. I had infinite loading screen, then removed MPE, and it took me on a time travel mission to the beginning of career. I loaded a save and all the vectors on the navball were in one direction. I tried to apply advanced multidimensional physics to recreate a situation and then realized the universe was telling me to re-start my career at the beginning, armed with more advanced knowledge of rocketry and station design. Thanks for your apology and please test and re-test before releasing. I'd be glad to help test for you in future. Yours in Renewed Plasma, Star*Dagger
  2. Update Bricked my career save. Others have reported the same. Nothing got it back. Just a FYI.
  3. One of my favorite micro mods with a macro impact! Now with Ice Giants, and married Ice Giants!!
  4. Greetings LGG! Thanks again for enriching our game with all the amazing mods that you resurrect and maintain! I was wondering if it would be possible to add a "Assign Home Base" to a station or ground base that meets criteria (has gravity, spacious and comfortable). Most of my operations are being moved to Zegler Station around Minmus, and those Kerbals will not be going back to Kerbin for a long long time, doubly so the ones deploying on deep space operations. I'd like to be able to utilize the roster dynamics of this mod, but with a detachment from the Deep Well of Kerbin. Your in Deployed Plasma, Star*Dagger
  5. You're all over the place, making my game better. A thousand thanks to you!
  6. There's a newer version, taken care of by LinuxGuruGamer. Do a search on his glorious name in CKAN
  7. First off, O Glorious LinuxGuruGamer! Thanks for all the mods that you have brought back to life, enriching our game. You are truly the ModFather! My issue is this: I'm getting overheated converters on a station with enough radiators to cool down Zendaya. I'm also using Nertea's (Praise be upon Them) mods. Please help, this is a beautiful mod. Thanks.
  8. First off: O Glorious Jade! Thank you for your amazing contributions to the modding community! Your Sterling mods are mentioned any time someone asks about "Whut mods should I get?" My question is this, is there a complete list of all the planet packs/celestial addition mod/etc that this hooks into, I have OPM (covered) and Minor Planets expansion. My concern is this, going to various black hole systems and other planet packs, to be faced with just low ore blank templates. *Bows respectfully* Yours in modding Plasma, Star*Dagger
  9. Outstanding! Added to the Imperial Mod Stack
  10. Outstanding! Added to the Imperial Mod Stack
  11. I like the mod a great deal, it just doesn't work. I recognize the wonder work that so many modders do without pay to make our game world better.
  12. Please keep doing what you are doing. You are a God of modding. If I had female parts, I'd have your kids! Thanks so much for all the amazing additions you have given to our game. Cheers, S*D
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