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  1. Thank you, another user pointed out yesterday the issue with the requirements. This way because I used the return from kerbin/mun text as a placeholder in development but forgot to adjust it after setting the proper requirements. It is most likely showing the requirement not as met because one of the child requirements is a random number generator has to generate a specific number to send the contract. TouristCount is in Attraction.cfg (GameData/ContractPacks/Tourism Overhaul) (I had the config title in my previous message, but not the path. Added that for extra context if needed). I will look at the "send kerbal to a escape trajectory out of the sun" and see if I can modify it to make it appear slightly less. Yes, you can change how many contracts it sends you. You will need to edit TourismOverhaul.cfg Adjust "maxSimultaneous = 4" to your liking. The default is 4.
  2. Kerbals Get OLD! - Adds an Aging Mechanic to KSP Kerbals will now grow old & die. This mod adds a new GUI with a calender icon to the toolbar. Click the calender to view a list of your kerbals and their ages. Fully configurable via in-game settings. You can also edit Kerbals in-game to change their current age so you can properly age up Kerbals that existed before the mod was installed. __________ New Kerbals will randomly start with an age between 23 & 38 By default once kerbals get between the ages of 305 to 330 they will die on a random year. Kerbals also have a 1/25 chance of being blessed. If a Kerbal is blessed they will live up to an extra 50 years past 330. When a Kerbal is within 10 years of death their name color will change to yellow in the GUI. If they are within 4 years of death their name will change to red. It also shows a kerbals date of birth. If a Kerbal was born before Y1 their date of birth will be labeled as "Yxx B.S.C. Day XX", B.S.C. stands for "Before Space Center". __________ This mod is fully compatible with DeepFreeze. Freezing kerbals will stop them from aging. Kerbals who died before the mod was installed will have there birth-date & death-date labeled as UNKNOWN. DOWNLOADS GITHUB SPACEDOCK CKAN COMING SOON
  3. That's good. I have a theory on what could be causing the long loading times. The way I got the random names to display BEFORE the contracts were accepted (to keep it similar to stock) was by having every possible Kerbal name in a list & letting it select randomly from that list. I believe that list being extremely long is what extends the loading times. I am looking at developing a new system that goes around that. But the longer loading should be only when you start the game initially and no other times. How much extra time does it add to your game? I am running mine on an SSD and only noticed an extra 20 seconds or so when testing. EDIT: I tested this theory. I removed a bunch of the names from the list & the game loaded faster. I will work on a workaround.
  4. Very odd. I will investigate this. I haven't received this report from anyone else so I am not sure what could be causing this. I tried downloading any mod that I saw in @Alpha188s log that could potentially cause a conflict but I was unable to replicate this on my system. @DVQuill could you post your log?
  5. Yes! If you edit "touristCount = Random(10, 35)" in attraction.cfg it will change how many tourists are generated. 10 is the minimum amount and 35 is the maximum. Adjust these numbers to your liking If you edit the "minCapacity" variable in OpenInvestor.cfg it will let you change how big the hotels are required to be. And thanks lol
  6. I love this mod, but for some reason around Slate there is a weird texture overlay that looks like it moves across the surface. Here is what I mean. Any ideas what could cause this? I'm using Parallax continued https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_tuY0znCLU
  7. Hello, I love this mod and have been using it for a long time mostly bug free. I've ran into an issue recently, whenever my Kerbals swap vessels to a vessel without supplies it immediately is killing them. For example on my Duna base, whenever a kerbal enters the surface vehicle they immediately die due to lack of resources. Any idea what could be causing this?
  8. There was an issue with my upload to SpaceDock yesterday, the website locked up when uploading and the upload name also had a "/" in it, which apparently SpaceDock doesn't like. One of these is most likely what made it unhappy. I have reuploaded it and it appears to be showing on CKAN now. Can you try updating it again?
  9. This is something I can definitely look into, I've never personally used that mod myself so I will have to check it out and see how it works. I know its a popular mod though. Nobody has asked this yet but to be fair this mod is fairly new. Also on a side note, I noticed you mentioned the space casino, that is actually from a different mod (Tourism Plus). My mod only has hotels. I'm just informing you of that in-case you meant to download that mod instead. This mod is heavily inspired by Tourism Plus but expands upon its systems to go interplanetary (and interstellar coming soon). With Tourism Plus most of the contracts are only for Kerbin & its moons. This mod makes it so you can do tourist contracts on all bodies outside of Kerbins SOI, and also makes it so eventually you can build a hotel empire and have hotels around every planet/moon if you so desire. With Tourism Plus the hotel/casino can only be built around Kerbin.
  10. I'm also having this bug which is VERY annoying as I use USI Life Support. My kerbals INSTANTLY die within physics range. I have to edit the settings every time I do one of these contracts.
  11. This is something I have thought of, and might start looking into soon. I also might do something like a colonist contract. Where you design a surface base and then send a large group of tourists to it to stay permanently. Currently they are both just ideas though. It should be yes, but hasn't been tested on my end. It's based off contract configurator, so as long as you use the 1.10 version of contract configurator it should function fine.
  12. Thank you, it's my first time ever using CKAN so I'm trying to learn it. I saw it was getting an error on NetKAN due to it detecting two version files. I assumed it was from the bundled contract configurator. Currently there is a bug on spacedock that doesn't allow me to delete previous versions. Once the fix is merged I plan to go in and clean up SPACEDOCK to keep it on par with GitHub.
  13. Thanks for pointing this out to me. I just fixed these typos and uploaded the patch! I also looks through all of the other contracts and checked for typos and fixed any that I saw. Someone else also asked for this. I will make an optional file that does this.
  14. Tourism Overhaul: Completely Revamps Tourism Contracts Tourism Overhaul is a contract-pack that completely replaces the stock tourism contracts. It fixes lots of the common complaints with vanilla game tourist contracts, while also expanding the system in general, adding things such as Space Hotels which can be put in orbit around different planetary bodies to rake in lots of kerbucks. Something this mod does that other mods didn't do was properly balance tourism between early and late game. With this mod, early game contracts will pay large amounts for sending tourists to the Mun & Minmus, but once you start going interplanetary your tourists will realize that the Mun & Minmus isn't really worth it anymore, and will pay slightly less for those trips while they will pay more for interplanetary missions. The contract layout was also designed to mimic stock Kerbal Space Program, showing the names of each Kerbals itenerary individually instead of grouping them together, which will allow you to split up tourists into seperate ships if you so desire. This mod is compatible with other planet packs, and has been fully tested with the Outer Planets Mod. FEATURES Better Balancing: Get what you deserve for your contracts. Contract rewards are adjusted based on your current achievments in your space program. Early game / easier tourist contracts will pay a higher amount during early game, while harder contracts will have a higher payout for late game. Contracts are balanced so they don't overpay/underpay. Space Hotels: Now you can construct space hotels. Not just around Kerbin, but also around other planetary bodies. Revamped Contracts & New Unique Contracts: This mod completely replaces the stock tourist contracts, and adds 7 brand new contracts! Stock-Alike Tourist System: Now contracts give you each individual tourist as its own objective, this gives the mod a similiar feel to stock. Other mods do not do this, they group all tourists into one objective. (See spoiler) NEW CONTRACTS REVAMPED CONTRACTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have an idea for another contract? Let's discuss it in the comments! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD SPACEDOCK GITHUB CKAN REQUIREMENTS CONTRACT CONFIGURATOR MODULE MANAGER RECOMMENDATIONS STRATEGIA SPECIAL THANKS TO NIGHTINGALE FOR PROVING EXCELLENT TECHNICAL SUPPORT THROUGH GITHUB AND CREATING CONTRACT CONFIGURATOR This mod is theoretically compatible with Tourism Plus and Tourism Expanded but is not recommended due to these mods adding similar styled contracts / different balancing. LICENSE: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
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