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timmy kerman

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  • About me
    Professional Soup Gremlin
  • Location
    the basement of that tesco down the road

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  1. There, Now there’s a clear definition of soup for the purposes of this thread in the original post. Also, tomatoes are an exception and we are going with the 1893 court reading here.
  2. Granted, but YOU are the thing that gets done over. I wish for something to happen.
  3. Oh, I’m racing my friends to do something very similar to this! Only issue is, I have installed a few planet mods so jool now has thirteen moons - many with tiny SOIs and in highly elliptical orbits. We also have deadly re-entry installed to really ramp up the danger of aerocapture and aerobraking.
  4. SOUP APPRECIATION THREAD I noticed there was a lack of threads concerning soup in these forums, a dastardly issue which desperately needed to be remedied. So here it is! This thread is for the general discussion of soup, such as sharing your favourite kind or giving tips on making it, simply voicing your love of it, or sharing recipes. Enjoy! Oh, and discussing the whole “cereal is a soup or is it not” is absolutely and completely banned. One more thing that I shouldn’t have overlooked - the definition of soup! For the purposes of this thread, the definition of soup is: A liquid food prepared by cooking meat, poultry, fish, legumes, or vegetables with seasonings in water, stock, milk, or some other liquid medium. Stews are also allowed by the way!
  5. I really want to see where this goes. This is great!
  6. Wishgranter.exe is working again! Unfortunately, it has a horrible bug - it corrupts all wishes inputted into it! I wish that a single totally insignificant single celled organism dies of old age.
  7. Floor 5881: You depart through the door, and fall before landing in a great sea of raspberry lemonade. Ahead of you lies the door that leads back to the flight of stairs.
  8. banned for having a bug in your profile picture
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