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Everything posted by LazyTiger0203

  1. thank you for helping me in the 3rd number war

    EDIT: wait u can do this lol

  2. the alleged signal was a rickroll. was it in the game? no idea.
  3. i have more than five posts in this forum, but i still have to get approved by a moderator check my activity
  4. whenever i start up ksp this happens: look in the center
  5. granted, the rock comes to your house and rips them i wish for snacks
  6. i actually first heard of ksp in a yt video that was a iceberg of sfs it said that sfs was a 2d ksp clone
  7. there is a 2d ksp clone called "space flight simulator". i dont think it has eva yet. there is also a sequel that is 3d
  8. granted, you accidently flush it down the toilet i wish to live in star wars universe
  9. banned for being liked by mr. kerbin
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