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Squirrel Slapper

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    I'm dreaming of a nuclear winter

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  1. This mod seems to bork the "toggle engine" action. Since installing it, if an engine is activated and I use a "toggle engine" action group, the engine takes that to mean "rapidly turn off and on again." Edit: never mind I am stupid
  2. Hell yeah the smoke effect was the one thing that looked off, thanks!
  3. No good way to launch it?! Allow me to introduce you to the Osaul cargo plane parts from the SXT mod Okay I kinda agree about needing balance changes, the NERVA is pretty busted (of course it also is in the show, completely busted, but can't be good for the game's balance)
  4. When I add Parallax to a normal install, the Mun and Duna have rocks on them. When I add Parallax to an RSS install, the Moon and Mars do not have rocks on them. Am using the latest version of Parallax (2.0.8 from CKAN) and the latest version of RSS (v20.1.3.0 from CKAN). Both installs have the exact same graphics settings. In both instances I have "scatters enabled = true," also in both instances Parallax DOES change the terrain's texture, just refuses to add rocks in the latter case. So what's the issue? Is there some line of code that specifically instructs Parallax to only add rocks when the celestial body is called "Mun" or "Duna"? Can I just delete or modify that line of code?
  5. Was really excited for this but I installed the update and unfortunately reentry still doesn't start until ~70,000m.
  6. Wait what This is huge, does it also work with normal scale RSS?? I literally just need to delete GameData\Parallax_StockTextures\_Configs and then the moon will have rocks on it??
  7. You're screaming the Pledge of Allegiance at us out of a sense of duty to avenge some game files that still exist for free and have not been taken from you. Tried Deferred last night, only worked for a few minutes on my potato laptop but by god, it's the visual mod to end all visual mods, it makes things look like they're made of actual materials instead of code.
  8. Not even slightly. None of the default SLS craft files included in ACK can even reach Earth orbit. I've had to heavily modify them all to have this base capability. Mostly clipping more fuel tanks into the first stage, but also clipping into the RS-25 engines a second set of RS-25 engines that are activated by the same stage that separates the SRBs. Then replacing upper stage engines with ones that actually work (it is not hyperbole to say that the starting TWR of Block I's interim cryogenic propulsion stage is 0.21 in vacuum by default).
  9. Lads, Nertea hasn't actually taken anything away from you. You still have to manually update these mods. You can just not update them. I know I certainly won't be, not until the update that adds replacements is released. It's the author's choice to remove things from the official release, and it's your choice to install that official release. Cool your jets.
  10. What is meant by "SPOCK 2.0"? What's wrong with SPOCK as it is?
  11. Any chance of some sort of collaboration to bring the parts in the fantastic SXT mod up to snuff with the Restock art style?
  12. Yeah I can see it, how does one "use" it? Do I just need to move it into \GameData\SXT\Patches ?
  13. So it's common knowledge that the Restock mod borks some SXT parts by preventing the game from loading the stock textures they rely on. The parts still exist and function, they're just featureless black voids in the shape of the parts. Would it be possible for the Restock team to get involved somehow and rectify this (I had a dream where all SXT parts got the Restock treatment of having every model revamped and modernised, essentially upgrading SXT to a kind of Restock++ and I can't stop thinking about it)
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