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Everything posted by Alephzorg

  1. The parts all go in the KSP\Parts The .dll files are usually the plugins and as such go in the KSP\Plugins folder. If a plugin comes with a .cfg file, it's probably a resource file and it goes in, yeah you guessed it, KSP\Resources Good luck with your spacestation. Can't wait to see it.
  2. You might be missing the cart plugin. You can find it here. Just copy it in the plugin folder, restart your game and you should be good. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/7854-PLUGIN-PART-0-16-Carts-v1-34-Cruise-Control-Compatibility-and-More?highlight=cart
  3. Here are a few suggestions as of mods and plugins you could install to achieve your dream of space domination. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/7790-0-16-Parts-Pack-Deep-Space-Mission-Pack-%280-151-fix-released%29 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/13692-0-16-Mechanical-Mouse-Industries This satellite pack won't be updated as it is but it still works and the modder promised to make a new more awesome one. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/6280-0-17-ExPI-Space-Stations-0-4-Interplanetary-Probes-0-1-2
  4. Thank you for sharing them. And as they say, any landing you can walk away from is a good one.
  5. 80m/s = 288km/h... Pretty fast I would say.
  6. I think you could still do that with the crx telemetry plugin. But I have never tried it and don't even know if it still works in 0.17. I like the fact that the VOID module is so much easier to use, even if you can't record the data.
  7. I make my probes using the MMI Satellite Pack command pod. No kerbals hurt and I don't feel bad if I screw up a little and take a year to get somewhere. And it helped me get Isa Mapsat probes around the new planets to plan for my landings.
  8. Alephzorg

    Past 50k!

    But who's the 50'000th?
  9. Thanks to the VOID module, it is now possible to study planets and moons in real time! Here is my Moho Probe going in for an atmosphere sample. As we can see, the temperature increases alarmingly fast once you reach the upper atmosphere that starts at about 27~28km. But even at 19km, there is too little of it to effectively aerobreak your craft. I hope to be able to land another probe soon to get readings from the surface.
  10. The new VOID module is a real treat. It should be a standard part of every probe. Here we can see that Moho's atmosphere actually start way above the 14km altitude (closer to 27km, 28km according to the wiki). And man is it hot ! Even an ion engine overheats easily.
  11. I have to say, this pod is a pleasure to fly with !
  12. [thread=20373]Try it now![/thread] I wish I could take credit for something that awesome. I was looking for a module that would allow me to explore the new planets and moons in a more scientific way. I wanted data, informations. And so I wrote to Iannic-ann-od, asking him if he could make it happen... BUT HE WAS ALREADY MAKING IT!!! I think I have to redesign my probes now. Sweeeeeeet!
  13. I thought the satellite pack wasn't meant to be updated more. So what will this new pack be ? Replacements ?
  14. Old thread but... are you guys planning to do the same experiments on the new planets/moons ?
  15. I just wanted to say how much I enjoy using your parts. Even the discontinued Satellitepack. It allowed me to build some versatile transport ships, outposts, space stations, a variety of probes, and even send a poor kerbal to an apoapsis of 290'000'000km (still on his way, a little under 3 years to go...). So, for all your hard work, thank you.
  16. I must be doing something wrong. I can only find the link to the 1.1 version. What about 1.2 ?
  17. An update with all the new planets and moons ? That will be great to plan our new missions to boldly go where no Kerbal has gone before.
  18. Hello Komrade.

    How can I join and help the Kommunity?

  19. If I may comment on Omega diagrams, Pluto has an orbit so elliptical that it is sometimes closer to the sun than Neptune.
  20. An upscaled one would be nice. But if not doing it means we\'ll get the Mk2 quicker, I\'d gladly pass.
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