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Everything posted by Pipcard

  1. I like seeing the alternate Japanese and European space programs being given some attention. All I want is to see is the timeline where Japan isn't suffering through economic stagnation and develops something like space tourism for millions of people. And Starlift is based on the Kistler K-1, it seems.
  2. Well, it's the same ship I've been using for several Kerbin decades (and upgraded just over a decade ago)
  3. Y71, D299 - The Negi Maru heads off on the first crewed mission to Neidon, which it will reach in 6 years. [Planned maneuver]
  4. Mission 228: Neidon Rabbit 1 + 2 Neidon Rabbit 1 is a copy of the Wal lander meant to land on Thatmo, while Neidon Rabbit 2 is the small lander to land on Nissee. Neidon Rabbit 2 is attached to a nuclear transfer stage for the trip between the orbits of Thatmo and Nissee. (34290 kg + 30120 kg = 64410 kg, K-2 launch vehicle) Y71, D270 (launch) Mission 229: Negi Star Mk2 flight 12 Kerming, Hersy, Lincy, Kabel, Anline, Kaice, Erilin, and Gusgar Kerman. Y71, D290 (launch) Mission 230: Project DIVA X 3rd / Negi Maru flight 06 (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5) Designing Interplanetary Vehicle Architecture with eXtreme-efficiency propulsion, 3rd mission. The crewed mission to the farthest gas giant. Y71, D299 (Negi Maru Kerbin -> Neidon) Y77, D210 (Negi Maru estimated Neidon insertion) Y77, D222 (Negi Maru estimated Thatmo insertion) Burn lasted almost 30 minutes [I'm so glad I got Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, as I can 4x time accelerate without causing the ship to fall apart]
  5. Mission 207: Project DIVA X 2nd / Negi Maru flight 05 (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6) Designing Interplanetary Vehicle Architecture with eXtreme-efficiency propulsion, 2nd mission. 16 Kerbals return to Kerbin. Y70, D328 (Negi Maru Kerbin insertion) Y70, D329 (rendezvous with Negi Star Mk2 flight 04 and landing on Kerbin)
  6. Y70, D79 - Hyozan Base is founded on Vall
  7. Mission 224: Hyozan Base (MIKU-36) + Song Princess 17a/b/c A large Mobile Interplanetary Kolonization Unit and comsats for Vall. (83806 kg, K-3 launch vehicle) Y68, D95 (launch) Mission 225: Jool Rabbit 3 + WIM-19 An auxiliary lander and surface-only mining vehicle. (21564 kg + 25560 kg = 46914 kg, K-2 launch vehicle) Y68, D115 (launch) Mission 226: Negi Star Mk2 flight 11 Hertop, Hayti, Leala, Eileen, Jerble, Orburry, Isai, Julette, Levy, Fransei, Megree, and Adam Kerman. Y68, D135 (crew launch) Mission 227: Mokusei Maru flight 02 Y68, D144 (Mokusei Maru Kerbin -> Jool) Y70, D70 (Mokusei Maru Jool insertion) Y70, D78 (Mokusei Maru Vall insertion) Y70, D79 (comsat network established and base landed) Kerbin system population: 84 Duna system population: 36 Dres population: 12 Jool system population: 12 -> 24 Total space population: 156
  8. Y67, D227 - The Dosei Maru will transport base modules and colonists to Sarnus's moons, Ovok and Hale
  9. Mission 220: Dosei Maru A colony ship for the Sarnus system, with extra propellant compared to the Mokusei Maru for Jool. (288,040 kg / 406,840 kg, K-3 launch vehicle) Y67, D175 (launch) Mission 221: Tamago Base (MIKU-34), Hokori Base (MIKU-35), Song Princess 15a/b/c + 16a/b/c Two Mobile Interplanetary Kolonization Units (identical to the Pol and Bop bases) to land on Ovok and Hale respectively, as well as 3 communications satellites for each moon. Y67, D195 (base launch) Mission 222: Negi Star Mk2 flight 10 Coremone, Anbree, Mochel, Hildolin, Gilcie, Silian, Seeger, Jenphie, Lanus, Melvie, Danrine, and Johntop will become the first Sarnus system colonists. Y67, D215 (crew launch) Mission 223: Dosei Maru flight 01 (part 1, part 2) Y67, D227 (Dosei Maru Kerbin -> Sarnus) Y71, D417 (estimated Sarnus insertion)
  10. Y67, D172 - The WiM-18 miner/tanker carries the Eternity probes to Plock Plock will be reached in 7 years (the projected orbit looks jagged due to floating point errors far away from Kerbol)
  11. Meanwhile: Y66, D288 (Mokusei Maru Kerbin insertion) Mission 219: WiM-18 + Eternity (part 1, part 2) A mining ship and probes for Plock and its moon Karen. Identical to the WiM-17 Neidon miner, it will reach Plock in 7 years. 288740 kg (launch mass), 537750 kg (full mass = 532185 kg miner + 5565 kg probes); K-3 launch vehicle Y67, D160 (launch) Y67, D172 (WiM-18/Eternity Kerbin -> Plock) Y74, D235 (WiM-18/Eternity scheduled Plock insertion)
  12. Y65, D286 - The WiM-17 miner and probe carrier transfers to Neidon's moon Nissee (planned trajectory) Y66, D79 - Amethyst-f lands on Nissee (Y66, D80 - A short hop from the landing site)
  13. Mission 208: WiM-17 + Amethyst (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4) A mining ship and probes for Neidon and its moons. Going from the icy moon of Thatmo to the eccentric and distant moon of Nissee. Y65, D274 (WiM-17/Amethyst Thatmo ejection) Y65, D286 (WiM-17/Amethyst -> Nissee) Y66, D78 (WiM-17/Amethyst Nissee insertion, Amethyst-e orbiter deployment) Y66, D79 (Amethyst-f landing)
  14. That's what Flight Manager for Reusable Stages is for.
  15. Y65, D273 - Amethyst-d lands on Neidon's moon Thatmo
  16. Mission 208: WiM-17 + Amethyst (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4) A mining ship and probes for Neidon and its moons. Y65, D273 (WiM-17/Amethyst Thatmo insertion, Amethyst-c orbiter deployment, Amethyst-d landing)
  17. Y65, D272 - The WiM-17 mining ship and Amethyst probe complex reaches Neidon and drops a probe into the atmosphere
  18. Mission 208: WiM-17 + Amethyst (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4) A mining ship and probes for Neidon and its moons. The Amethyst-a atmospheric probe descends into the atmosphere while the Amethyst-b orbiter is deployed. Y65, D271 (WiM-17/Amethyst Neidon insertion) Y65, D272 (Amethyst-a atmospheric descent and Amethyst-b orbiter deployment) Orbital insertion - almost 7000 m/s
  19. Y65, D252 - The first crewed mission to Urlum begins its return trip to Kerbin (the ship returning from Jool is a colony transport)
  20. Mission 207: Project DIVA X 2nd / Negi Maru flight 05 (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6) Designing Interplanetary Vehicle Architecture with eXtreme-efficiency propulsion, 2nd mission. The expedition starts to head home from Urlum. Y65, D236 (Urlum Rabbit 4 leaves Tal; Negi Maru Tal -> Wal insertion) Y65, D237 (Urlum Rabbit 3 leaves Wal; Negi Maru Wal -> Polta) (in under 6 days) Y65, D242 (Negi Maru Polta insertion) Y65, D243 (Urlum Rabbit 2 leaves Polta; Negi Maru Polta -> Priax) Y65, D248 (Negi Maru Priax insertion; Urlum Rabbit 1 leaves Priax) Y65, D249 (Negi Maru Priax escape) Y65, D251 (Negi Maru Urlum -> Kerbin) Y67, D17 (Negi Maru course correction) Y70, D328 (Negi Maru estimated Kerbin insertion)
  21. Y64, D234 - The Negi Maru at Wal, the outer moon of Urlum Camlorf, Anelle, Tiella, and Agaselle on Wal's ~20 km tall equatorial ridge Y64, D235 - The Negi Maru makes a short trip over to Tal, Wal's submoon Anline, Kaice, Erilin, and Kabel on Tal (taken on Y64, D255)
  22. Mission 207: Project DIVA X 2nd / Negi Maru flight 05 (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6) Designing Interplanetary Vehicle Architecture with eXtreme-efficiency propulsion, 2nd mission. Arriving at Urlum's outermost moon, Wal, and its own sub-moon, Tal. Y64, D225 (Negi Maru Polta -> Wal) Y64, D234 (Negi Maru Wal insertion and Urlum Rabbit 3 landing; Negi Maru Wal -> Tal) Y64, D235 (Negi Maru Tal insertion and Urlum Rabbit 4 landing) Camlorf, Anelle, Tiella, and Agaselle on Wal's ~20 km tall equatorial ridge Anline, Kaice, Erilin, and Kabel on Tal (taken on Y64, D255)
  23. I'd rather keep it analogous to the Solar System, and I am not interested in installing more planet mods.
  24. KerbPaint, which is the reason I can't update past 1.1.3 as I have been using the same save since 2013.
  25. Y64, D222 - Negi Maru arrives at Polta, which is on the same orbit around Urlum as Priax Julphia, Negy, Lisliana, and Maxtina on Polta
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