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Everything posted by Pipcard

  1. The Negi-E sounding rocket had almost twice the diameter of the Negi-B, C, or D. This would eventually become the first stage of an orbital launch vehicle. A dedicated space agency was planned to be established in late 1962. Diameter: 1039 mm Height: 14.6 m Wet mass: 14661 kg (with no payload) Dry mass: 2474 kg Thrust: 539 kN Burn time: 48.8 s Propellant: Solid Specific impulse: 220 s List of Negi-E launches from 1961-08-17 to 1962-04-26 SRP = Sounding Rocket Payload units, Cam = Film Camera (pretend that there are other scientific instruments because this is 1961, not 1951), (R) = Payload recovered with parachutes Notable launches:
  2. The Negi-D sounding rocket had a new upper stage with the same diameter as the lower stage. (stats assume no payload and the configuration shown in the image) Total wet mass: 4905 kg Height: 14.5 m 1st stage diameter: 539 mm 1st stage wet mass: 3141 kg 1st stage dry mass: 560 kg 1st stage thrust: 93.9 kN 1st stage burn time: 59.3 s Propellant: Solid Specific impulse: 220 s 2nd stage diameter: 539 mm 2nd stage wet mass: 1764 kg 2nd stage dry mass: 402 kg 2nd stage thrust: 53.9 kN 2nd stage burn time: 57.2 s Propellant: Solid Specific impulse: 231 s List of Negi-D launches from 1960-01-13 to 1961-05-25 SRP = Sounding Rocket Payload units Notable launches:
  3. The Negi-C sounding rocket was simply a Negi-A stacked on top of a Negi-B. (stats assume no payload and the configuration shown in the image) Total wet mass: 4137 kg Height: 16.2 m 1st stage diameter: 539 mm 1st stage wet mass: 3141 kg 1st stage dry mass: 560 kg 1st stage thrust: 93.9 kN 1st stage burn time: 59.3 s Propellant: Solid Specific impulse: 220 s 2nd stage diameter: 339 mm 2nd stage wet mass: 996 kg 2nd stage dry mass: 251 kg 2nd stage thrust: 28.2 kN 2nd stage burn time: 57.0 s Propellant: Solid Specific impulse: 220 s List of Negi-C launches from 1958-05-17 to 1959-12-10 SRP = Sounding Rocket Payload units, GMC = Geiger-Müller Counter Notable launches:
  4. Negi-B comparison to Negi-A (stats assume no payload or recovery equipment) Diameter: 539 mm Height: 9.7 m Wet mass: 3191 kg Dry mass: 609 kg Propellant: Solid Specific impulse: 220 s Thrust: 93.9 kN Burn time: 59.3 s List of Negi-B launches from 1957-08-31 to 1958-04-11 SRP = Sounding Rocket Payload units, IMS = Ion Mass Spectrometer, Bio = Biological payload, (R) = Payload recovered with parachutes Notable launches: (edit: moved captions above images)
  5. List of Negi-A launches from 1956-08-31 to 1957-07-09: SRP (Sounding Rocket Payload) expressed in liters; each SRP is 0.5 kilograms. All Negi-A rockets carried a thermometer, barometer, and telemetry equipment. [With Kerbal Construction Time at the minimum build rate, each rocket takes only 8-9 days to build, but Japan did not launch sounding rockets over 40 times a year, so I assumed 39 days between launches. Also, range safety (self-destruct) is activated after the rocket reaches its target altitude for contract gameplay purposes; the apogee is the altitude above Earth it would have reached.] Notable launches: (edit: moved captions above images)
  6. OUTDATED THREAD, NEW THREAD HERE Hatsunia is a country that exists in a parallel universe in the place of Japan. It became a democratic constitutional monarchy in 1868. In the late 19th century, the Micronesian islands were purchased from Spain, being called Mikuroneshia (pronounced with a mee-, not my-) in Hatsunese. This would be the only territorial acquisition by Hatsunia; no annexation of Korea, Taiwan, or anything else. Instead of becoming a militarist and ultranationalist empire, Hatsunia stayed a democracy and joined the Allies during WWII. (edit: moved captions above images) In the early 1950s, a facility for testing sounding rockets and missiles was built on the island of Negishima (3.9°N, 139°E) in the autonomous prefecture of Parao. It was coincidentally shaped like a green onion. (imaginary island made by editing EarthHeight.dds and EarthSurface.dds) This location was selected because a proposal for the site on the mainland brought concerns from the fishing industry that rocket launches could disrupt harvests, resulting in a limited period for launching rockets (190 days a year). It was also selected for the potential of orbital launches due to the faster rotation of the Earth near the equator. Sounding rockets would be tested by the Rocket Development Promotion Headquarters of the Hatsunia Science and Technology Agency in cooperation with the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Miraito. In 1962, this division would eventually become the Hatsunia Aerospace Science and Development Agency, or HASDA. Hidemi Utagawa was a key figure in the development of Hatsunese rocketry. 1956-08-31 01:39:00 UTC (10:39:00 Hatsunia Standard Time) Lift-off of Negi-A, the first sounding rocket of Hatsunia Diameter: 339 mm Height: 7.1 m Wet mass: 958 kg Dry mass: 213 kg Propellant: Solid Specific impulse: 220 s Thrust: 28.2 kN Burn time: 57 s Used Procedural Parts, B9 Procedural Wings, and NEBULA Decals captions provided by Historian Expanded with a custom config
  7. Landed a probe on Laythe (more pictures here)
  8. Mission 141: Emerald-4 (Part 1, Part 2) Description & objective: A Laythe probe consisting of an orbital resource scanner (similar form factor to Wanderers 3 through 6) and a lander equipped with a heat shield. Y37, D208 (Jool orbit insertion) Y37, D212 (Laythe orbit insertion and landing)  Jool orbit insertion Meanwhile... WiM-7 and the two Dres landers have undergone refueling at an asteroid (DIO-998).
  9. How was Omelek Island added? This is how it appears in-game: but according to the land + water textures layered together, the texture resolution (even at 8192 x 4096) is not fine enough to account for the shape of the island (which seems to be bigger than its real life counterpart). So how was it added? Was it hard-coded? I need to know because I want to make an custom imaginary island in the Pacific, if that's even possible. edit: the heightmap doesn't seem to correspond to the shape of the island either
  10. A simple resource scanner enters Dres orbit
  11. Mission 142: Hikari (Part 1, Part 2) Description & objective: Dres resource scanning orbiter (to find potential locations for a base). To save time, KASDA did not wait until after the Project DIVA F mission had concluded to launch this mission. Y37, D108 (Dres orbit insertion) Insertion into ~80 km orbit
  12. I'm going to use the Negi Maru (that green and white ship), which was assembled over multiple launches.
  13. Began the return leg of the Dres expedition (more here)
  14. Mission 139: Project DIVA F / Negi Maru flight 01 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) Description & objective: Designing Interplanetary Vehicle Architecture with Fission propulsion. The Negi Maru's maiden voyage to Dres and back, carrying eight astronauts, two landers, and one asteroid miner. After some excursions, Dres Rabbit 1 and 2 lifted off to re-dock with Negi Maru. The Dres Rabbits and the Dresteroid miner were left in low orbit. The Negi Maru proceeded to a 300 x 300 km orbit, followed by a burn to put it on course for Kerbin. Y36, D367 (ascent, docking, and departure) Y38, D159 (expected Kerbin orbit insertion) Camlorf takes a visit to the great canyon of Dres during his stay. Thanks, but I haven't seen that anime. Your missions are cool, too.
  15. It's just a Dres visitation with an interplanetary mothership. But I didn't take a lot of UI screenshots.
  16. [From this point on, the title of the thread will show the latest date instead of the mission number. The interplanetary base module launches will eventually become routine and I don't want to announce their mission numbers in the title every single time. And going from Mission 147 (Part 1) to Mission 139 (Part 2) doesn't really show progress.] Mission 148: Emerald-5 (Part 1, Part 2) Description & objective: A Tylo probe consisting of a large nuclear stage, an orbital resource scanner, and a lander. Mass: 26430 kg (lander+orbiter), 6055 kg (lander) Launch vehicle: Kappa-1b Y36, D235 (Launch) Y37, D71 (expected course correction) Y38, D153 (expected Tylo orbit insertion) Separation from upper stage (392 x 384 km parking orbit)
  17. Landed the first modules of Iwaki Base on Ike
  18. I'm finally back! If you want to know what I've been doing, I've been writing an article for my fictional Japan-like country and playing other games on PC and Nintendo Switch (which I got in November). Mission 147: Nozomi Maru flight 01 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) Description & objective: Deliver the first modules of Iwaki Base to Ike. Y36, D159 (Duna orbit insertion) Y36, D161 (Ike orbit insertion) Y36, D164 (MIKU-11 and MIKU-12 landing) Y36, D196 (WiM-8 separation) By the way, do you prefer having the images in an imgur album (which nobody seems to view anyway) or under a spoiler bar like this? Entering Duna system
  19. You don't need to buy Bandicam, I use OBS and it's free.
  20. Remember: Sarnus had only existed in this universe after the manned landing on Duna (possibly due to intervention by interdimensional beings).
  21. The Emerald-3 probe landed near Vall's north pole.
  22. Mission 140: Emerald-3 (Part 1, Part 2) Description & objective: A Vall probe consisting of an orbital resource scanner and a lander. The lander touched down in the north polar region. Y36, D91 (Jool SOI arrival) Y36, D146 (Jool orbit insertion) Y36, D147 (Vall orbit insertion and landing)
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