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Everything posted by colmo

  1. In view of Better Buoyancy, I'm trying to think how Procedural Parts can be used to make boat hull shapes. Perhaps an additional slider which allows a radial segment of a shape would do it? I'm not sure how feasible that is?
  2. Love the bullseye on the launchpad in TinyPirate's video above. Couldn't do that if he tried... Can probe cores fail like Kepler, losing torque on single axes?
  3. Try this one - it's my 'mini' class of carrier, which because it's so short suits VTOLs, though the arrestor system does allow regular planes. Not sure if it's the most recent version, and I think it doesn't use other mod parts (there may be some Infernal Robotics or KAS bits), but have a go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B15B3MQ2F4JTNTBVZ2tZWE1nbWc/view?usp=sharing For larger carriers, get the Hangar Extender mod - I think it's 0.25 compatible: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65747-0-24-2-Hangar-Extender-v2-0
  4. Not sure if this works in 0.25, but have also look at the Hollow Parts mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29031-0-23-5-Hollow-Structures-Hulls-(Updated-2014-04-09)
  5. Very nice - similar to the TT and Bobcat VTOL engines, but the thrust limiter settings are the ticket. Could you post up more pictures of the actual parts? They're obscured by markers or bits of plane in every pic in the OP!
  6. I stopped short of suggesting this earlier, because I figured star system designers would prefer to work out the values themselves, as the calculation would only need doing once; no need burdening KSP with unnecessary extra code. Why? The age of the star would influence surface temperature also. Some white dwarfs are very high temperature, yet only weigh in at 1.4 solar masses and are the size of the Earth.
  7. It's worth knowing a bit about star colours - the Sun is a 'green' star (peak emission is in the green wavelengths, it's why B&W film is mostly sensitive to green light also). It doesn't look like it's green because it's a black body, not an LED bulb! See Wein's displacement law. There are some algorithms out there to help convert temperature to RGB http://www.tannerhelland.com/4435/convert-temperature-rgb-algorithm-code/ A red dwarf would have a surface temp of maybe 4000K, the sun is around 5720K, and a blue giant might be 10000K. It appears brown dwarfs are extremely common. Some are so dim, they would barely emit in the visible wavelengths at all. They would make a good binary companion to a main sequence star. How small can stars be in this mod? I'm wondering if neutron stars or white dwarfs would be possible?
  8. It was installed. I'll check that out.
  9. Finally had a go with this. It looks fairly good (within the severe memory constraints; my antialiasing isn't working at all atm so everything is a jagged mess). I can't tolerate graphics detail at high, though, my PC is just too old. The utility is beyond question, especially for aerial surveys. I think my KK install is older than the latest version, so I didn't benefit from recovery costs at Lushlands when I landed back there after a mission. I like the buy-in requirement to use new sites. I note there are still areas on the globe with huge gaps in coverage. That's where a carrier fleet comes in handy!
  10. Tried out the part for style and fit today (no flight though); it's nice, fairly stock, perhaps a little more heavily shaded than the IXS and Porkjet parts which have set the style for many near future mods now. It slots in behind the magnificent IXS bridge beautifully, if you rotate it 90 degrees - otherwise the nacelles clip the corners of that cockpit. Is this part meant to be translucent? I'd prefer the windows be the only see-through parts of my spacecraft.
  11. Tweakscale helps a lot, though I'm finding issues with it in 0.25 - it worked well in 0.24.2 as pictured here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=312452739
  12. The manual AA override for Nvidia no longer works for me - just updated everything, OS to OpenSuse 13.2, latest Nvidia binary, and KSP 0.25. Has this happened for anyone else?
  13. Last activity was 12th November. You could try posting a message on his YouTube channel, RoverDude?
  14. I use OpenSuse for mainly historical success and familiarity (it has YAST, a very good software manager), but starting out, Mint would be my first choice. Essentially, you pick either an apt get (Ubuntu, Mint), RPM (OpenSuse, Fedora) or Gentoo driven system. I'd put them in that order in terms of general ease of use. I use Gnome 3 - I rather like the spartan interface with the search bar, beats gazillions of shortcuts any day. Cinnamon does look good though, from the screenshots.
  15. I was excited by the video a few days back. They do everything I could want of landing gear save one - docking to carrier decks!
  16. Every dictator claims to be benevolent...just don't get run over by a bus, or worse, married if you aren't already. Having a 2nd major city mod stall is more than I could take...
  17. You could always elect mayors to 'run' certain areas for a term. They can stand for reelection based on how well they did last term, or step down early and call a by-election. Once in charge, they can appoint planners, modellers etc. to fulfil their vision, adding to or replacing existing districts. If everything is stored in communal areas, changes of leadership shouldn't be a problem. Just an out-there idea...democracy is the worst form of government, apart from all the others we've tried from time to time...
  18. The ability to flip cargo bays to use as bomb bays or VTOL engine bays was well worth it.
  19. Some nice cockpits, and there can never be enough props. I really like your old 2.5m airliner stuff, your big wings are still my favourite for big planes.
  20. dtobi advertised for a new mod maintainer for Shuttle Engines when he quit modding for KSP...just saying....
  21. Personal congrats to Arsonide on his recognition by Squad. I hope Fine Print can continue, if only to support contracts for things like ISRU mods.
  22. I'm looking forward to the new ship hulls in Dice's new video: Skillful Land & Sea Defense - Automated Slugfests!: Never mind guns, I want to put a helipad on the back and some KAS and robotics gubbins on them - real research & exploration vessels. It should go well with KerbinSide, as there'll be multiple sites to interact with. The idea of using BurnTogether to control a carrier fleet (carrier plus, say, two of these) is rather nice also.
  23. It could be this bug? http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/1152 Or one of these: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/ksp/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=joystick
  24. A wee note - KerbinSide now has boat and sea launch options.
  25. Kerbal Konstructs also does this, with the added help of being in active development.
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