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Everything posted by colmo

  1. One or two pieces (45m deck iirc) are missing node information and so don't appear in career. Open their part.cfg, along with a similar part which is present, and you'll see the lines of text you're missing - look for Tech and EntryCost. Copy the values from the other parts, save the .cfg, and reload.
  2. I'm trying to think what's missing, now we have full functionality back, given the release of First Contract? - Parts costs for items launched in and recovered from containers. - I'm not sure if science stored on science devices is recovered if inside a container? - Make the two new engines, Vernor and O-10, grabbable. Easy enough to edit, but a nice thing to have by default. - Some KAS specific contracts, though Fine Print's base and station contracts really benefit from KAS as it is. - I'd love to be able to move or add stock fuel lines. Great for those times you realise you've screwed up well into a mission. Would save on having to use a pipe endpoint to do the same job (still love them for larger installations where you need the reach). Those are the obvious low-hanging fruit - anything else I missed?
  3. I'll have to rerun the test to be sure, I didn't have time. The hangar was still on the runway when I launched from the SPH, to be clear. The game did not inform me it was still there, or offer to recovery it first.
  4. I hadn't considered that lack of droop was a problem. Very interesting. By all means send me a link. Making such things tweakable is valuable as vehicles can vary in weight. A bit OT: I've been getting back into RC scale crawlers, my photos but not my trucks! https://plus.google.com/photos/109249657211261643752/albums/6040884960056989201
  5. I never took issue with the beam axle steering being as it was - lock the rear, invert the front and you're done. I can't recall if it was possible to set this in the SPH, to save doing it every time on launch. The new axle should compliment it nicely, I hope the wheels match to allow mix and match axles :-) I'm not done with the beam axle yet, especially if you can make dampers out of IR pistons. We could attach the axle via a decoupler or removable KAS part, surface attach the pistons to the chassis, strut them to the axle, then decouple the axle or remove the KAS part and jack the pistons up to the correct ride height. The only problem would be the stiffness of the surface attachment and struts, when they should be free moving. A scaled down hinge on the axle and rotatron on the chassis (for dampers and links - Procedural parts would suffice for those) would do this. Collosal part count and hugely impractical... But that's not the point, is it?
  6. Was just testing out the Ground Hangar. I recovered it, which recovered the vehicles inside it (or at least the first on the list, I didn't look closely - it was a KSO Fire Engine, it only recovered 98% despite being on the runway, possibly it didn't count as being on the runway, just very close), but left the structure there. On my next launch, my craft spawned clipped through it and the two things writhed about in a display of physics glitchiness. The green/brown textures look much better in-game than they did in videos or thumbnails, btw. I think the details (it's quite a subtle pattern) were smeared by video and image compression. They suit ground structures, if not space-bound ones.
  7. How about this? From the KN2 cockpit pack.
  8. Yup, should have highlighted KT assets = KerbTown, not KSP. They're not the same, as mentioned.
  9. Using KerbTown's editor, you can move and duplicate KT assets like launchpads yourself.
  10. In N. Ireland, they are sometimes known as "minerals". Otherwise, soft drinks. Soda is American, and pop is Enid Blyton (famed for writing fiction that was out of date at the time it was published).
  11. Are there any new models due for EPL? Given the quality of the modelling in the latest mods (e.g. Karbonite), and the application of TweakScale and Firespitter to reduce what I think of as 'Hexcan Hell' (many duplicate parts of varying size and function), an art pass would really tempt me to have another crack at this.
  12. Check out this. Both implemented as a mod. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24845-Boat-Parts-0-24-R4-5?p=1376911&viewfull=1#post1376911
  13. Have a word with Infinite dice - those ship models deserve to sail for real! Being static seems...well, static. Any thoughts on an oil drilling platform?
  14. Rest up, we can wait! I've dabbled with RC rock crawlers but you're a pro, so I won't ask granny, or you, to suck eggs. I'm still dreaming of my strut-dampers, where a stretchy/compressible strut actually performs like a spring-loaded, oil-filled shock absorber - I'll have a play with strut setting to see if they can be made less rigid. Back in the day, we wondered if the pistons of IR (then DR) could be adapted for the job. I might have a bash at modelling some chassis C-rails. Would be a useful but simple intro to modelling.
  15. Nice work. I was actually thinking of a short course truck style trailing axle but this is more useful on most rovers...and bikes?! I've been wondering if wheels and axles could be separate parts (though that introduces orientation issues) - it does allow building a vehicle with different axle types but mixing, matching and tweakscaling wheels independently of them. I even pictured using KAS to physically change to a spare wheel! Just a thought, keeping it simple works too, especially in the early stages.
  16. Do check out the Hangar mod. You're headed that direction anyway. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88933-0-24-2-Hangar-v1-1-1-1
  17. Agreed absolutely. KSP's greatness is because of the mods - most of my fun is spotting when two mods compliment each other in such a way new gameplay emerges beyond what either author intended. I've watched fumbling code newbies become experts in months, felt sadness when a mod of potential greatness never quite made it (so many shuttle mods...), and elation when mods have risen from the ashes. I'll raise a glass to the talent and brilliance of the KSP modders.
  18. Allista's Ground Hangar does craft storing and refuelling pretty much as described in the OP.
  19. I think the hangar works fine for Kerbals plus very small vessels. Rescaling the command module would make the windows far too large. For landers and shuttles, something in the main body of the ship might suit better. I recommend looking at allista's Hangar mod - it could do with a new model, but would suit this perfectly.
  20. Is there a way we could add locations relative to parts I.e. the deck of an aircraft carrier?
  21. An abort button with visible wear and tear. How very, very Kerbal...
  22. Have a look at Eggman's ideas for portable science using KAS. This is very similar.
  23. I doubt it. I smashed it into the Mun last night :-) (I do have old saves I can try it with.) I'll try the new version all the same.
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