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Everything posted by colmo

  1. I thought I'd mention this mod which will maintain vertical velocity and allow gradual increments - extremely handy for helicopters. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50736-Vertical-Velocity-Control-in-1m-s-increments-with-compensation-for-vessel-angle
  2. I haven't had a good look at Kerbin since the new terrain arrived - are there any high plateaus near the equator? To avoid issues with terrain detail, the observatory would need its own surrounding terrain, and a mountain road. P.S. perhaps this observatory idea deserves its own thread?
  3. I was wondering that - how far is Jodrell Bank from the nearest city (Manchester I think)?
  4. A visible light observatory will be at altitude and well away from cities. A radio telescope would be fine though.
  5. Kerbin City and others will look splendid with abundant orange street lights, using that volatile alkali metal, eksplodium.
  6. D'oh, I'm an idiot. The KSP.log file in the main KSP folder (that appears to be the default location and name for the Linux log file) told me I'd relocated the VAB and SPH folders accidentally; one of the downsides of the Mod Manager being Windows-only.
  7. No, that's not it - the KerbTown menus work fine; I'm talking about the regular craft Load and Save options - they don't do anything now.
  8. Crazy is good With the Hooligan Labs submarine mod, Kerbals no longer shoot to the surface at high velocity. They can walk around on the seabed.
  9. I've just installed Kerbtown and Kerbin City and note I can't get a Load menu in the SPH or VAB anymore. I have subassembly mod and am running in Linux via the native Steam client. Is this a known bug? Edit: I removed Kerbin City and the Subassembly mod and neither had an effect. Now trying the 64-bit executable.
  10. That ladder is terrifying! There is (yet another) mod with an elevator: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/46674-JonzCo-Enterprises-Exotic-Jet-Engines-Intakes-and-Mobility-Goods-0-2?highlight=elevator
  11. I'm picturing twin hulls, with the inside of each using the section that allows lowering boats to the water, or several depending how long it is. This should make for a big enough opening to lower a substantial sub from the centreline of the carrier
  12. Superb. Now the last thing you need to check is if sticking a pilot in the seat causes it to keel forward too much. The mass of 1 Kerbal will have an impact on such a light craft.
  13. You could replace the top and bottom RCS blocks with two linear ones on the side for full 6-axis coverage - it'll look a little better than one blowing right up your pilots backside! You could also replace RCS altogether with the mod that uses air (requires an air intake, but again, negates need to refuel) instead of monopropellant. I'll see if I can find that mod. See below, it's B9.
  14. If you used a Firespitter electric prop, probe body and command seat, you'd make a lighter blimp still which doesn't need refueling.
  15. It's because the rear rotors vector their thrust in the same direction as the front ones. I had the same problem building a Chinook. Turn it off on the rear rotors (or lock gimbal).
  16. Underwater walking? Does this mean it's possible to construct craft you can EVA within without being full of water?
  17. FYI: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_Roundabout_(Swindon)
  18. This is just a message of support - I'm stunned at the ambition, speed and quality of execution going into this mod. I like to be the muse, the whisperer of ideas to modders, but nothing has been missed on this one. I'm just an admiring spectator. The concept of notable modders literally building their HQs is fantastic. I'm looking forward to future expansions with Firespitter and Hooligan Labs airfields, an Infinitedice naval base, Kethane refineries, an Omniwheels racetrack, a Robotics factory... Other ideas - Botanic gardens, adventure park (think Disneyland gone Kerbal), a Kerbin Eye (London Eye analog), a Kerbal Brandenburg gate/ Arc de Triumph, a Magic Roundabout like that of Swindon (so mad it requires no Kerbalised embellishment), palaces/castles (how would mediaeval Kerbals have built fortified buildings, and would they still be standing?), KAS cable cars (already do-able, with two winches, one spooling out while the other retracts, moving the car between them), a hydroelectric dam (would require some cleverness to create the water behind it), power stations...
  19. In case it hasn't been suggested, a snap to Centre of Mass/Thrust/Lift would be very nice.
  20. How is it in landing? I pushed the lower wing forward to prevent brake-tipping (stock gear on the front worked better for me as it doesnt tip), and the upper wing back to improve IVA visibility.
  21. New pre-release! I hope it doesn't break this almost completely Firespitter biplane I built: [table] [tr] [td][/td] [td][/td] [/tr][/table] FS Biplane 1.2 Craft file Flight instructions: Use the trim presets to acheive level flight - try -45 or -50 pitch settings, and use 1 or 2 (action groups) to trim pitch up/down. Before landing, turn on brakes and cut engine - this will engage wheel brakes and airbrake, and induce a lot of upward pitch, so use a large negative pitch preset (-60 or more) to bring it down. Wheel brakes engaged immediately stops the plane bouncing on landing. Landing lights on the gear help, especially at night.
  22. If the height of the lift could be made procedural I.e. variable, that would be perfect.
  23. I suffered a frame-rate loss in the 0.21 upgrade, but clawed it back by modifying the settings for Kerbin's oceans in the settings.cfg file. I now have much better terrain detail than I did before, too.
  24. Looking forward to the fairing lock - that should help plane builders. Is symmetry fixed in the SPH yet? I'll find out in a few minutes... Edit: Symmetry on a single inline fairing base doesn't work.
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