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Everything posted by r_rolo1

  1. This ,from the ol'days of 0.15 IIRC ( as you can see by the VAB design and the fact we had all the parts visible in the staging order. That was a major chore BTW ) Believe it or not, this was a Laythe capable ship Unfortunately nowadays it would not even leave the launchpad
  2. Interesting I already had noticed that the textures ate a lot of RAM ( more even if you add some beautification mods ), but I haven't thought that it would make such a diference. Anyway, what I have noticed is that KSP , while having pretty much squashed the memory leaks it had in the 0.90->1.0 transition and that it has a much reduced RAM footprint nowadays ... as long as you don't change scenes. In changing scenes, I've seen the RAM usage to spike up to the double of the current RAM base load in my system ( even when I was going stock ) and I'm pretty sure half of the issues people have with RAM nowadays are because of that ( I currently have a base load of around 2 Gigs due to some light modding, but that is enough to MAF out sometimes when loading the VAB/SPH, for a example ). It woul be niceif there was a mod for that, but AFAIK there isn't ... :/
  3. If you want some subs, I can sub for RetroFire Officer or Booster Systems Engineer / Control Officer .You'll probably need atleast 2 or three persons for most ground jobs anyway, to avoid human fatigue a decrease of attention due to long repetitive tasks ( and I really don't have the time avaliability to grab a full time spot anyway :/ ) I can also help setting up the stream if that actually happens. ( I do that semi-professionally anyway ).
  4. Just a question, though. Your requirements for all of the crew ( ground and flight one ) include "good internet speeds" . Given that most of the ground crew tasks just include Telemachus and a open channel for audio ( so we're talking at worse of 400 Kb/s ), maybe requiring good internet speeds is not that needed That said, have you considered to stream it? I'm pretty sure KSP TV would love something like this
  5. Just wanted to point out that this fact has a solid reason behind. While being dificult to notice this by eye, Laythe has a HUGE impact crater ( encompassing 1/3 of the moon surface ) that most likely was partially filled with more dense material than the "islands" one ( pretty much like Earth and the Moon lowlands ( in Earth case they are covered in water, like in-game Laythe ) rocks are denser than the highlands ones ( than on Earth we call continents ) ). In tidally locked moons or planets ( like Laythe or our Moon ) the densest areas tend to end in the side facing the parent body ( because they have more mass ), so it is not surprising that Laythe huge crater filled with dense rocks ( and covered in water ) ended up facing Jool. While not all of the bodies in KSP are believable, this aspect of Laythe is
  6. God , why ? *picks flamethrower* Well, the man itself endorsed it , so guess it is legit. But not wise
  7. Well, you do have to fit in the standart space suit ... that is the main reason for the quite low cutout. More , bigger astronauts mean bigger interiors, and that means heavier ships and more fuel spent. Remeber that nowadays NASA does not paint the rockets like in Saturn days to cut in the weight of the paint, so ...
  8. Well, there is a stock way of doing interplanetary Hohmann transfers in a relatively efficient fashion, but it is cumbersome and, to be honest, something that no one on their right mind would do. For the sake of documenting the insanity, let me drop it in here: First of all , you need a way to know how much dV you need and when to burn. About the when, you need something in orbit in the equatorial plane, but for commodity reasons I recommend a orbital period of atleast one day. You then drop a manouver node either 45º from planetary retrograde in dark side ( if you're going to a more exterior body ) or 45º from planetary prograde in the light side ( if you're going to a more interior body ) and push prograde until your heliocentric orbit touches the target planet one. Then, you right-click on the manover node. The node will change to a small widget with two bottom buttons. The right one adds orbits to your manouver node ( one per click ) and the left one takes orbits out of your manouver node. Click on the add orbits until you get atleast a really close encounter ( this is why I recommend a orbital period of atleast one day: the buttons hitboxes are small and glitchy, so adding a lot of orbits is a chore. Since LKO has 30-40 min of orbital period, if you have to wait for 150 days for a good encounter, you'll need almost 1000 clicks :/ if you're doing it from there ). That will give you a good idea of when to burn. To know how much dV you need , it is slightly easier: just pick something on the parking orbit you will use, put a manouver node in the right place ( the same ones as above, in the when item ) and burn until your heliocentric orbit touches the target planet one. That will give you a good idea of how much dV you'll need To actually plot the orbit you want, I'll assume you already have the ship in parking orbit and that you waited until the time you got in the when item. Put a manouver node in the places we discussed in the previous items, push the prograde until the heliocentric orbit of your ship touches the target planet ( if you done things right before, you'll have atleast a close encounter ) and then juggle the manouver node to get the actuall SoI intercept by either adding burn time in any useful direction, adding more orbits via right click , changing the departure angle, or just plot a mid- transit correction burn ( if NASA does it , so can you ). Then just burn and go This method, besides being cumbersome, does not quite work as well with Moho ( due to the inclination diferences, the transfer to be really effective must catch Moho in either the descending or ascending node of his orbit relative to Kerbin and that restricts quite a lot the times when you can burn ) and Eeloo ( due to the Eeloo quite eccentric orbit, for a efficient transfer you want to catch it in it's periapsis, something that again restricts a lot the times where you can burn for it ). But alas, apparently this is how the devs want us to do things Disclaimer: this will not tell you how to stop when you get there. You can do a aerocapture, burn to slow down, use that planet moons gravity to help capturing your ship ( only really works in Kerbin, Duna and Jool. Gilly is not exactly massive enough to help here ) or a combination of the three. Neither this will give you elegant gravity assists. For that I recommend Arrowstar excelent KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool ( external tool, not a mod ).
  9. Hum, I'm too old, too unhealthy and too not a US citizen to apply OTOH I would like to see the day where space agencies would have a serious need for field biochemists ( I'm a biochemist by formation ). That would be a very good sign
  10. How about a 90's NASA mission concept ( that ended being suplanted by the "New Horizon" one ) : "Fire and Ice" ( really That was the official work name , and as far as I know not a jib to a certain author ) Do a very low solar hyperbolic flyby in the way to Eeloo
  11. The thing that I find surprising is that there are people that till bother to count the number of dead kerbals I for myself have no clue of how many died since I put Jeb in a capsule in top of a SRB with no chute in my first time playing a long long time ago
  12. Hey , people can't do a typo once in a while ? That said, and back on topic, a full typical Mun and back mission in stock KSP is probably something around 15-16h ( suposing some time in parking orbits and some time spent in actually doing something in the ground ). While I haven't done what the OP asks, I've already done straight 16 h KSP binges ( mostly rovering ... driving in KSP is HARD ), so I would not be surprised if anyone had sat down and made a full Mun and back in one sit non stop with no timewarp...
  13. Well, the trip to the mun only takes 6h IF you're going by the ( sensible ) Hoffman transfer. Now, if you're willing to spend much more dV, you can do it somewhat faster ... Abyssal Lurker and Scott Manley both got to the Mun and back in less than one hour
  14. In fact, unlike others, I'm surprised Mortimer is a lawyer. Lawyers normally excel at spending ( their clients ) money , not in saving it
  15. Well, from my side, I don't see any memory leaks in the game since 1.0 came out. Memory spikes when changing scenes ( like when going in or out of the VAB/SPH ... ), OTOH ... :/
  16. Edit: I see, it was sandbox. I really don't understand the issue. The only explanation I can think on is a UI mishap ...
  17. Well, this means that your rocket is more aerodynamically stable if travelling backwards, something you don't want in a rocket That is caused by too much drag in the front of the rocket compared with the back of it and can be solved by either decreasing the drag in front ( fairings or bays will help in here ) or by forcing the rocket to stay directed to the prograde vector by aerodynamical stabilization ( aka putting fins in the back of the rocket, dart-like )
  18. As the one that made the question MaxMaps was anwsering to, I would say so. The question was if they would port to PC the feature Max promised for Wii-U that will suposedely allow to play in map mode in the main screen and use the VAB/SPH in the Wii-U pad controller at the same time ... That said, if that really happens , I will be quite happy with it
  19. That said, it would not be the first time that youtube muted and removed videos with royalty-free or otherwise authorized music just because some copyright bot from some bigwig flagged it because some other video from that bigwig uses the same music ( and youtube appeal process being what it is ... ) . I do remember a very stupid and recent case where a fan video about a certain Wii game level maker was flagged and removed because Playboy ( not even Nintendo, mind that ) had made a video with the same music about the same tool and some very well programmed bot thought that just because Playboy had a video with it, Playboy obviously had the rights to the music...
  20. Yup, it is definitely inverted. I knew there was something wrong with that Kerbin as soon as put the eyes on it, but couldn't put the finger on it Anyway I was going to say that atleast this was a better work than the old Mun starting screen ( that was also as fake as it could be ) , but nope : the lander and the kerbal are iluminated by atleast two diferent sources of light and Kerbin, besides being inverted, somehow got a axial tilt ( and it is summer on the northern hemisphere ), Squad, can't you even fake things right ?
  21. Well, IF someone is to blame for the Dipperkraft *issue* , the blame falls squarely on Herr Doktor and ultimately on Mission Control ( in other words, Gene ). It is not that there isn't written evidence that Gene disregarded concerns on the feasability of the mission profile by the most senior space engineer of Kerbfleet ... In fact, the big elephant in the room is not Jeb's barratty, but the mutiny of most of Ground control, enough to make a alternate KSC operational against orders. If Jeb and co are going to be on trial about the illegal mission to Eve, then EVERYONE from Herr Doktor to the people on KSC 2 ( including Gene ) at launch time ( except the poor tourists ... has anyone brought them home or they are still stuck there? ) needs to be on trial as well. If that is the case, our author might need to build a BIG courtroom
  22. I for myself, await for the arrival of 1.0.5 to see out Admiral making a arrival in style for the trial on her personal ( naval ) battleship
  23. I would say that they would burn to a sun-grazing hyperbolic orbit to get to Kerbin as fast as possible ( and possibly before anyone expected them ) and try to rally support to deal with Mort and co. Anyway, that was not my point: I was saying that there is one of the detainees that has literal and canon reality altering powers ( not that long ago we seen him transfering objects through solid walls, right? ), so it looks wierd to me that Val is not tying him up with every piece of rope and duct tape avaliable. Just taking the oxidizer out IMHO is a very soft security measure ...
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