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Everything posted by rewdew2

  1. so..... why is no one speaking on this thread anymore? is it another one of those "too awkward to reply" kind of situation?
  2. Nope. The coolest person here on the forums... wait, i can't guess me. um... novasilko?
  3. No... no no no. it's the hold bars that are normally on the table, only i had to resize it to make it fit in his mouth.
  4. Well, first off. Thank you for the LOTS of creative input (and criticism) i've know the kerbal color is a bit off, and i'm still working on it. Sorry about the music being to loud, there were some issues with it. Well, seeing as this is my first time animating for public uses, stuff is still being worked on.... The lighting here is that way because it's in apartment set. not a studio. I would have the mirror reflect but, i'm on a family computer, and i can't tie it up all day on one render, which is also why there are certain quality issues, i had to turn the render settings down because it was taking a minute per frame. Well, like i said, still working on the look of this, and the animations. But seriously, i'm still working on most this stuff,
  5. -sigh- i did it again, i made a comment and now it's awkward for people to reply, Sorry Rareden, i killed your thread...
  6. You know what i find funny, the threads i post get about... 100-200 views. but the video only have 19... care to explain guys?
  7. Well, if you look at the kerbal ground crews and scientists, you will see that their heads sway about 20 degrees relative to the ground, and 10 degrees relative to their body,
  8. Yeah sorry about that, Greg's voice is... soft? ish? something.... sound sciencey... stuff....
  9. Well, that reasons they looks like that is because kerbal's have flat tipped fingers. and i'm guessing they look that way is because... it's not a perfect rig.
  10. Well duh it exploded. They said "5. 4. 3. 2. 0." You should NEVER skip one... NEVER!
  11. Seeing as i finished this week's (kind of LQ) Video, i figured i'd start working on the next one right away. But, i needed to work on my walk cycles. so... what do you guys think, and what can i do to improve it? PS: this is a GL render, so pants texture is not applied.... so he's not walking around pantless... EDIT: this is also not going to be the final speed of the cycle.
  12. I... i read Canyons like Crayons....
  13. So. weekend already? wow that was fast. anyway. i got an ACTUAL Episode (part) out this week. Unfortunately, i could only get one scene of the four (or five) scenes planned for this specific episode (render times and such). So, i just have this to show for a week of work, but the next episode i would have to make walk cycles for and such. And without further delay and making you read all my thoughts and such, here you go! Remember, you MAY reply to this thread, it won't bite you.
  14. Okay. that would make sense But just one little piece of criticism before i go, A kerbal's fingers get skinnier in the middle, and then a bit bigger at the ends. Okay, that's all. last little bit of nit-picking.
  15. Looks pretty good. however the skin kind of looks... fuzzy?
  16. Awesome. looks great. however, i don't see any fireballs.....
  17. do you have... any kind of video to show it? Maybe an Ace of fours or something?
  18. only if you do the normal post per page. i have mine set to 75. so it's only page 18
  19. Yeah.... it was an early render. in the old apartment scene i used.
  20. it's nothing about earth or anything. it's about whether or not air going through a momentum preserving portal can push a 10-20 pound model sphere to 2.4 KM/s. And apature science is locating in a salt mine in michigan. What about space suits? what's that about?!
  21. Wait.. two whole months two render 1 minutes and 13 seconds? Going nights (8 hours) for 60 days. Thats like 5 (considering you did two renders) minutes for one frame...
  22. In koviet Russia, The forums troll you.
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