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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. I was about to start a new Career saved but noticed nothing was showing up in Mission Control. What gives? Game log Mods:
  2. Wonder if its possible to setup this mod with KSP2's dynamic music?
  3. I've also encountered a bug where sometimes the camera gets locked outside the spacecraft and wont respond to any inputs any further ( - and = prompt the text above, but wont switch between cameras; the Backspace reset (which I've remapped to \ ) wont reset, and switching camera modes also wont do anything. I'm not entirely sure what is causing this. I do have quite a few cameras on my spacecraft and most of the time, I can switch between them just fine but then randomly my camera will lock up. Has anyone else had this issue?
  4. Is there a way to disable the effect on certain planets only? I'm getting a lot of flickering with EVE's city lighting/textures. I wouldn't mind turning this mod off on just Kerbin.
  5. I'm having this glitch with Physics Range Extender where the camera view's clipping distance glitches the further away I get from the ground. Here it is when normal: A few km up: Another, at the launch pad: And a few km up: And it returns to normal as soon as I exit the physics range. Is this a known issue? Is there a fix for it? PRE's "camera fix" option didn't seem to help.
  6. Oh! That's different, but it works. Thanks!
  7. I can't seem to able to launch from any of the new pads, any idea what may be going on? I'm on 1.12. I can't select them in the space center view, and they don't show up under the 'launch' list in the VAB.
  8. In TundraExploration\Patches\RO, open D2_RO.cfg. Under @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] add"%throttleResponseRate = 100000" (without the quotation marks). I pasted mine in between ignition threshold and minthrust.
  9. It might just be a deliberate stylistic choice. But with KSP having drifted to a slightly more realistic, industrialized style with its parts over the years, the panels certainly look a tad outdated now, and I too would love black/reflective ones, especially on Dragon.
  10. How do I get scatterer to work with RSS on 1.7.3? I copied the config listed on it's page and followed the instructions, but it doesn't work in game and the ocean's all gone.
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