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Everything posted by IvanTehFennec

  1. Sure, because I'm totally interested in mining the data of 13 year olds.
  2. Problem is not only memory requirements on mobile devices, but the fact that it'd have to be horribly limited to stock parts.
  3. Thank you for this! I'll be sure to try this out.
  4. I think you're just too paranoid about it. Loads of websites do this.
  5. There is no point in a thread like this right now, they're still working on fixing up 0.21.
  6. You can also have backups and multiple copies of KSP through Steam, just copy/paste.
  7. Gonna be shamelessly plugging here. My Stream It's over. Streaming Apollo-11 Type mission.
  8. I'll be doing a stream later today of my Anniversary Landing, and will post the link to my twitch once I'm ready.
  9. There needs to be a third option for "I'll wait and see what the first one turns out like". At this point, it seems like KSP2 (if there ever will be one), will be released after heat-death, so I still want to see what they cram into this game, and whether or not they get it done in the next ten years.
  10. I saw on vidya4chan way back, watched it, wondered "What the hell is that game?" I found it, and I love it. Thanks trydyingtolive!
  11. Zerda Industries. Hopefully everyone gets the reference. (Hint: Vulpes Zerda)
  12. If you go to your badges page, and click on the Jeb card, it'll open up as a 1080p wallpaper. You can earn and craft them whenever. It's not a limited time thing at all.
  13. Technically, yes, but it's not like it adds or subtracts anything from the base game. It's just a meta sort-of-thing for Steam users. No big deal to be honest, and I wouldn't hold it against them.
  14. Well, at least know that the game creators have to do the card-adding. VALVe did the summer-sale art, including all the summer getaway cards and the postcards. I actually went ahead and got my level 5 KSP badge, which is on my Steam profile in my signature.
  15. No. SQUAD volunteered to VALVe to do this, though, strangely enough, the summer-sale art was done by VALVe. Basically, SQUAD has to ask them to do the trading cards, then VALVe gives them the tools and requirements. They submit the cards to VALVe, and then VALVe releases them when they release more cards. It was entirely up to SQUAD whether or not they get trading cards, though I believe VALVe had some leverage.
  16. 6/10, seen you in a few threads.
  17. 0/10 Never heard of you, nor seen you.
  18. I've been using a plugin that adds vocal call-outs for the radio altimeter lower than 2500m. I'd love to add a "Sink-rate" warning as well, or better yet just incorporate radio call-outs to your mod. Would you be able to do it?
  19. Galactic, I'd go with Leonov's build. It's more upgradeable going forward, as FM2 is sorta-kinda dying, whereas AM3+ is the future for AMD processors. The mobo is pretty good, and pretty much everything there can be upgraded at some point.
  20. mediumchris, I'd love to see a full MFD (such as the image I posted). Any chance in the future we'll see it done?
  21. Actually, in real life, they do have a bit of tilt.
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