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Everything posted by forsaken1111

  1. I get the animation issue as well, on launch or any time the scene loads (as with switching craft). All radiator panels and science stations start in a deployed state and then undeploy. This happened with the hexagonal large receiver too What are the scoops for though? What are they producing?
  2. I think whats happening is all of your thermal power is being used to power the scoops. Switch them to something that isn't produced (or can you just turn them off? I don't remember). What do you have the scoops on there for anyway? Are you trying to produce fuel?
  3. Side thrusting? You mean a rocket plume emerging at 90 degrees to the rocket nozzle? Check you installed the mod right and didn't do something silly like put the gamadata folder inside your gamedata folder.
  4. Can the same be done to manually shut down a reactor from EVA? Please?
  5. I answered that question in my suggestion for the HV Transformer part. You manually toggle it on or off and when on it converts at a 1000EC -> 1MJ ratio. When you toggle it off, it... has a pretty light on it. That would be the simplest solution, anyway. To make something that could intelligently read the MJ draw and convert, or convert only excess EC to MJ would be harder... especially with systems that have a variable draw on MJ like plasma thrusters, which can use all available MJ. Its made easier because there is no MJ storage part, so you don't store up MJ for later. There is no capacity to read in that regard. Really you'd just toggle the up conversion as needed. (Deploy ridiculous solar array, turn on plasma thruster, engage HV Transformer)
  6. When the last few pages have contained many people reporting the exact same problem with the fix being the antivirus, no its not very likely that IE has anything to do with it. Keep your nerdrage in check and use it when its appropriate.
  7. This whole discussion about infinite effort and energy and such would really be better off in another thread. It has nothing to do with this mod.
  8. True the stock solar panels wouldn't be terribly useful for reaching a 1000+EC/s or 1+MJ/s production rate for energy but there are other mods that introduce massive solar panels or other methods of energy generation, like burning kethane in a combustion generator. An array of such combustion generators could get up to the MJ area I'm sure, as could any other method when used in excess.But really I'm not arguing for the conversion, I was asking why it hasn't been done. If it introduces funny resource loops or issues then its understandable. Hm... maybe I'll do some testing on my own when I finish up my stock career mode run (which is a blast so far!) and after the next version of this mod comes out.
  9. So is there any reason you're not allowing EC -> MJ conversion? Will it create a weird resource loop with your resource handler? Allowing it would enable compatibility with other mods that simply produce EC.
  10. Hur hur you're so popular hating on IE like all the cool kids hur hur.
  11. The jool one could be achieved by launching a probe into the planet.
  12. But you will only get a electriccharge to MJ conversion if you are transmitting it via a microwave transmitter. There is no way to do it on a single craft, correct? I.E. I could not include a massive solar array on my craft to power its plasma thrusters even if I would be getting 1000+ electriccharge per second?
  13. Yeah it was extremely easy to do myself. Dunno why people are worried about that.
  14. Yeah, optional would be good. But even so I'm not talking a lot, maybe 3-5 points for easy stuff and up to 10 for hard. Whatever you feel is appropriate.
  15. "Solid Rocket King" - Achieve orbit using only solid rocket boosters
  16. Any way you could make the achievements give a small science amount when achieved? Maybe large amounts depending on difficulty? Would be neat.
  17. "Rapid Unplanned Disassembly!" achievement for exploding on the launchpad? "Any landing you can walk away from..." for a crash which has at least one surviving crewed command pod, and then EVA from that surviving pod.
  18. Its a false positive. Just disable avast briefly. Avast is rather lazy that way, they will blacklist a whole domain or hosting company when someone else uses it to host malware.
  19. Another point: What one person considers a 'boring grind' another might think is fair and balenced. Its not for you to say what the game is 'supposed to be'. If a particular mod is too much of a grind to you, simply don't use it. Some people may enjoy it while others do not. Its okay to have differing opinions.
  20. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here, just tie the system into the existing KSP science system by making labs collection points for science data and having parts/upgrades unlocked by spending science like all other parts. If people want all upgrades right away they would be playing sandbox, not career mode, and things will work as normal.
  21. I like the idea of enforced crew rotation, but I also think its a bit beyond the scope of this mod at present.
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