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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. Haha, he does look like him! The head shape also makes him resemble Nefertiti a little. Anyways, I'm aware that real Kerbals have taller heads than this, but I like to take some liberties and add my own, personal touch to them and to their universe.
  2. So I decided to send two habitation modules to my interplanetary spaceship. They both reached orbit as planned and they were both on their way towards the ship, but once the maneuvering stage of the first one was separated from the booster stage, I discovered that I had forgotten to add a control source to it.
  3. Thank you! Now I'm currently working on an improved version of the first picture I uploaded here, the one with the Kerbal, where I've fixed the proportions and the generally awkward body shape of the original. There are still quite a few details that have to be ironed out before it will be ready for digitalization, but this sketch should give you an idea of what it will look like. I'll eventually improve the one with Tylo and with Layhte as well, when I feel like it.
  4. When someone else's thread succeeds with a topic I've failed with. http://nooooooooooooooo.com/
  5. It's okay, but I lost the will to continue playing when I lost all my stuff to what would've been my personal lava pit.
  6. Jerks aren't necessarily stupid.
  7. True. The user below me has yet to land on Tylo.
  8. Is there any chance that the lander has been to Hell as well?
  9. Taking off to land again in a spot where Kerbin is visible. "You totally have enough fuel to do that, man!"
  10. Wow, I didn't know Vall was the size of Duna!
  11. You have no idea what you have started. This will be the end of all Kerbals.
  12. ... And that's where Kerbals come from!
  13. That would be the white, radial one. It's rather inefficient, in my experience. However, I actually like the Poodle. I've successfully used it for interplanetary travel many times, sometimes even as far out as to Jool.
  14. 0.15 for me. Bring in the sad trombone music. ... Does it count if I discovered the game and played the demo before 0.15? No, probably not.
  15. I have it. It always amuses me how my psycho neighbours start begging for mercy once I've built myself a proper army.
  16. Thanks! I wasn't really thinking about anything in particular when I wrote that. I just thought it sounded funny.
  17. This is a thread where you can list things that annoy you. You know, get it off your chest and stuff! Alright, let's begin! - People who can't tell the difference between your and you're. - The xD smiley. - Tryndamere's ultimate ability in League of Legends. (It makes him unkillable for five seconds, which is a lot in battle).
  18. That space theater is the best thing I've seen on this forum. Ever.
  19. I wouldn't define skill purely by practical things such as landing on this planet, or by building a ship this big in orbit. Sure, it's impressive, but that's merely a manifestation of skill; not the skill itself. To me, a skilled player is a player who knows how the game works and who can use that knowledge to complete whatever tasks they want done. They know what they're doing, they know what they're doing wrong, and if they do something wrong they know how to not do it again. A bit vague, perhaps, but that's the most general thing I could come up with. After all, having yet to land on and return from Tylo doesn't prove you're unskilled. It just proves that you have yet to do it.
  20. Thank you! Yes, it feels so... professional. Too expensive. He just has to deal with it and buy a new one. Poor Lemgas.
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