The Dres mission where everything went wrong So I decided to send a probe to Dres. The craft consisted of one reconnaissance orbiter and one lander (minus the Dres transfer stage to the right). It reached Dres with remarkable ease, but then the problems started. As I had expected, the would-be reconnaissance orbiter had to do a lot of braking, but I had greatly underestimated the amount of braking that needed to be done. There would be no orbiting for this one, as it had to sacrifice itself so at least the lander would be able to enter orbit. The retired reconnaissance orbiter drifted back into interplanetary space as the lander put itself in an eccentric orbit around Dres. However, it ultimately ran out of power before circularization (the batteries weren't expected to last much longer than the time it would've taken to land under ideal conditions), marking the end of the mission. Without any means of recharging its batteries the dead lander remains in orbit around the dwarf planet, forever circling it as a misplaced piece of junk. Many heads rolled at the KSC that day.