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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. My biggest successful rocket so far would be my Saturn V analog. It could really use a LES, though.
  2. At first I was going to say no, but I then realized that my first Mun lander actually ran out of fuel on the way back and got stranded in an eccentric orbit around Kerbin. Oops.
  3. I never counted them, but it did take quite a few attempts. I already knew how to do it from Orbiter, but it took me a while to figure out how to work the navball.
  4. I've been there once, but I just entered orbit around it. It wasn't really hard as much as it was tedious, but I got lucky with Jool's position and could use it to slingshot my probe onwards toward Eeloo. The rocket itself would probably not have been able to send it there otherwise.
  5. A picture from 0.17 of my first and so far only Vall landing. It has a parachute because the probe was designed for Laythe originally. I just got lazy and launched a clone for Vall as well.
  6. I had a Children's Map of the Solar System poster that I used to look at all the time as a child, as well as a couple of books about space that were full of beautiful pictures. I generally cared more for dinosaurs back then, though, but my interest came back in my early teens when I started playing Spore.
  7. At least this beats the plant theory.
  8. I'll go with I'm very confident in what I do. I'm positive I could do pretty much everything on that list except being Scott Manley, but more often than not I'm just like: "nah, screw it!"
  9. I first visited Laythe. It was a one-way trip and the poor Kerbal never got home.
  10. I remember my first docking attempt. It was before I knew what IJKL was for, so I only used H and N to carefully move towards the target. Oh, the horror!
  11. I second this. In my opinion, a proper base should have at least one crew tank unless it's intended to be robotic. Edit: Oops, I think I just contradicted my previous post. Rats.
  12. Any structure or group of structures that is more or less permanent.
  13. Another picture of my trusty old crew taxi. It has never let me down.
  14. I built one for my crew taxi and it's actually my first ship to have one. Like most people I don't usually bother and just hit revert flight whenever something goes wrong, but this one is meant to be showcased in mission reports that involve crew trasfers, so I wanted it to look somewhat realistic.
  15. Heh, I just noticed that I forgot to include the actual picture. How embarrassing. But yeah, I realized that I lack the skills necessary for performing an unpowered pinpoint landing, so I've been testing a new refueling system that will allow the landers to both land at the base and ascend back to orbit. The idea is that this little tanker will transport fuel on-site from this huge tower and deliver it to future landers before they take off.
  16. I've been trying to land this thing at my Duna base for quite a while now. It's hard when it needs all its fuel for the return trip.
  17. Some pictures from my ongoing expedition to Duna.
  18. I performed my fastest docking to date. It only took my trusty old crew taxi 16 minutes (in-game time) to reach orbit and dock with my interplanetary spaceship.
  19. I've hauled an immobilized power station the 2.5 km it had missed my Duna base with. It was slow and extremely boring, but well worth it!
  20. That would be quite a challenge indeed! But I'll definitely look into it sometime. Anyway, I've gotten even closer now! The surface habitat landed successfully, pretty much right next to Surveyor (the rover), but the power station landed 2.5 km away and broke its wheels in the process. As it was then unable to move I considered launching another one, but I then realized that I could use Surveyor to push it to the base. It was a slow, tedious process - especially when going uphill - but finally it could attach itself to the habitat and start producing power. Following this incident, Surveyor was renamed Stallion in recognition of its hard work. The next thing to touch Dunan soil will be living, breathing Kerbals.
  21. Thanks, but no external cooling is necessary. Surveyor's stamina is amazing and it can go on for hours as it is thanks to its sophisticated machinery and many solar panels. I actually renamed him Stallion in recognition of his hard, tireless labour.
  22. If you land too hard in the wrong spot you have to improvise! The power plant for my Duna base landed 2.5 km away and broke its wheels in the process, so my surveyor rover had to stop by and give it four helping wheels.
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