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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. Looks like a creepy face peeking out from the shadows.
  2. Nope! It's an original texture created just for Jool.
  3. A model of Jool I'm working on. The texture is still a work in progress.
  4. Drew another surface texture for Saturn. Credits to NASA for the rings. ... It could use some more storms, though.
  5. I'd guess it's Dres. It's hard to get to, but not the hardest, and it's far away, but not the farthest. It just doesn't have all that much that would tempt people to try and go there.
  6. This happens to me far too often. I facepalm equally hard every time.
  7. Rapier feels kinda awkward to pronounce, so I pronounce it French style. Hrapierre. Just in case anybody wanted to know.
  8. It's actually not as advanced as it might look. I was quite surprised by the result myself. The diffuse map is really rather ugly - just a mess of blurry colours. Most of the model's appearance comes from a displacement map that I applied to an ordinary sphere (it's also pretty ugly on its own). I simply used the cloud and noise filters in Photoshop to give the sphere a generally rough appearance, and then I just kept adding more or less dark, blurred circles (sometimes with brighter edges) to give it craters and other surface features. It's quite a demanding (not to mention tedious) process. Had to restart 3DS Max several times.
  9. Here's a work in progress: Mimas! I'm still adding more craters to the surface, but I'm quite pleased with its appearance so far!
  10. Experimented some more with painting my own planet textures. The result was fugly, I kid you not, but it did make a neat displacement map!
  11. Felsmak


    That doesn't look quite real to me. There's something strange about the lighting.
  12. I think all my newest recruits have rather promising names. Now that I think about it, "Chad Strider" would probably have sounded catchier.
  13. Actually, I did that once! It's certainly possible, but it should be noted that I first had to use most of my fuel for getting Moho to fling the probe into an orbit that would give it a cheaper, second encounter later.
  14. So, we're basically talking about Sailor Mun?
  15. When I sent a Messenger-ish probe to Moho, I had to fly past it once while burning in order to slow down enough for a capture next time. However, the burn bent my trajectory down towards the surface, and although I couldn't see it very well due to the darkness, it was clear that I was getting closer and closer. I thought I would crash and ruin everything, but the altimeter eventually started to tick back upwards, and just one lap around the Sun later, my probe could enter orbit around Moho.
  16. Merry Christmas! Or "God Jool", as one might say in Swedish if one has no pun restrictions whatsoever.
  17. Efficient interplanetary transfer? Nah, I'm going into orbit!
  18. Hah! "Dresden". Sounds like something I could've come up with.
  19. Plot twist: The Kerbals discover that they came from Duna originally, that they destroyed it and that they fled to Kerbin, which they are now in the process of destroying.
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