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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. I got it for $15. Bought it shortly after discovering it in May 2012.
  2. 0/10 I don't believe I have seen you before.
  3. Granted. You start caring less, which makes them care more by comparison. I wish for eggs.
  4. 10/10 I could never forget that avatar.
  5. I wonder what a movie about Whackjob would be like. Law Abiding Astronaut?
  6. I don't know how it would be done, but I'm sure his ultimate goal is to deorbit the Mun.
  7. Thanks! Yeah, I wasn't expecting that when I launched it, so I just had to improvise.
  8. Preparing for throne delivery! Preparing for the king's landing. Jeb ruling all of Kerbin from his mighty Mun throne. I had to disable most of the engines as having them all on at once caused it to fall over.
  9. I improved the aesthetics of my ion throne a bit. I also made Jeb king of the Mun.
  10. I tried to lift my ion throne to the Mun. I'm not doing very well.
  11. I wouldn't give Jeb any more power than he already has.
  12. Jeb looking all powerful and stuff as he sits atop the ion throne.
  13. I built a throne for Jeb - the ion throne!
  14. Granted, but you don't get it right here. I wish for a spoon.
  15. Granted, but they're Zimbabwean dollars. I wish for a new alarm clock.
  16. Granted. You get a guy named Phil Colander. I wish for a lava lamp.
  17. Granted. It stops working. I wish I had a positive amount of money equal to or greater than 1,000,000 USD.
  18. False. I once built an ion powered airplane, and it was beautiful. The user below me has landed on Pol.
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