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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. Granted, but it won't be sunny where you live. I wish for money.
  2. I've tried it before, but now I usually don't even bother.
  3. Our rockets will all get caught in orbit around his. Great.
  4. "I shall give you the greatest pat on the back in the history of pats on the back!"
  5. I discovered the game in 0.14 and bought it after the release of 0.15. Am I a vet yet?
  6. Does it have docking space for bruddaships from other muddaships?
  7. I wonder if it would be possible to land on the Mun using only ion engines. Whoever pulls that off will win the game.
  8. I remember the first and so far only time I've ever used up an entire xenon tank. I had just managed to enter a highly eccentric orbit around Moho, and I was so happy.
  9. Would you enjoy a realistic ion engine?
  10. You're travelling somewhere, and when you're halfway to your destination you assume that the other half will take less time because of gravity.
  11. Es freut mich zu sehen, dass ich ein bisschen davon verstehen kann! Just kidding - I shouldn't try to speak it myself. Anyway, that's pretty neat indeed!
  12. I'm using the Hullcam mod. You can get it here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/hullcam-vds/ It should be noted that the "footage" has been Photoshopped, however. In reality it looks just like any other view.
  13. Landing on Pol. First picture of the surface.
  14. I always guess. I'm actually pretty good at it.
  15. I use them to go to Moho.
  16. I landed on Pol for the first time with my Probesetta probe. On the launch pad. Separation of the Jool transfer stage. Arrival at Jool. First gravity assist from Tylo. Second gravity assist from Tylo. Approaching Pol. In Polar orbit. Lander separation. It's called Phil, by the way. Approaching the surface. First picture of the surface. First picture after touchdown. Phil is now in Slenderland.
  17. I remember the time it accidentally got gray. Good times.
  18. Jool and everything that orbits it, including my spacecraft.
  19. Kerbin. My missions to Kerbin almost never fail.
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