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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. Thanks! Yes, that's Laythe. Perhaps a little rockier than the in-game version, hehe.
  2. So I decided to try and build an SSTO. It failed miserably and I ran out of fuel long before even leaving the atmosphere, but I managed to glide towards the airstrip island and perform an emergency landing on the hill. The craft was severely damaged in the process and it lost both engines and one wing, but Jeb still survived against all odds.
  3. This is the first centrifuge to spin in time as well as in space.
  4. Even Kerbals need pictures to tag each other in.
  5. I've started to experiment some with a new, ultra-masculine kind of RCS.
  6. A chilly morning on Laythe. Rocks will haunt my dreams forever.
  7. There are five fundamental forces in the universe: gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force and Murphy's law.
  8. I love them and I don't mind their slowness either. Rovers aren't exactly made to impress the ladies with their speed.
  9. Would it count if I used improvised RCS blocks built from regular engines?
  10. I've pretty much mastered the game, so I don't need MechJeb. However, I think it's stupid to bash those who do use it and no one should tell anyone how they should or shouldn't play their copy of the game, because that's no one else's business but their own.
  11. Or skip me. That's cool, too.
  12. 10/10 I could never forget that avatar.
  13. You've done the impossible and lived to tell the tale. Congratulations!
  14. Kerbals fried in coolant liquid. I'm starting to feel hungry. Anyway, here's a little (barely visible) sketch of my next drawing. I'm sure most will recognize the place. EDIT: Okay, it might be hard to tell that landscape from that of any other moon. So, here's something better that I made to motivate myself to finish it!
  15. No! Don't revive this ancient relic of a thread. Oh, well. Too late. Man tackar! That's my Swedish design for a Kerbal flag, heheh. And no, that thing is just a luminous space watch.
  16. Thanks, everyone! Yeah, I suppose I could rework the plasma trail a little; maybe darken the background to accentuate its brightness even more. I know how you feel. I usually feel quite bad myself whenever I see what some people can do, but truth is there will always be plenty of people ahead of you no matter how far you get, so you might as well keep doing your thing if that's what you enjoy, because that's all that matters. I'm using Photoshop, and I decided not to make any night sky because the whole scene is meant to be too bright to allow you to see any. Physics (or whatever) favours the lazy. It's mine, alright. Like Nutt007 said, I just changed my name shortly after the purge; didn't like my old one.
  17. Granted. You're now stuck in a time loop where you're stuck wishing for wishes forever. I wish I had a more masculine voice.
  18. Here is a worried Kerbal who's hoping to get a reaction from his biologically inhibited friend. A chilly morning on Laythe. A view of Jool from a polar orbit around Tylo. A capsule reentering Kerbin's atmosphere.
  19. That website is indeed scary. I tried that almost a year ago and it worked then, as well.
  20. A humble tribute to the beverage that made it all possible, coffee.
  21. If you're unfamiliar with orbital mechanics, try and install the mod called MechJeb. It can do basic things like getting to orbit automatically, which offers a great opportunity to learn by simply watching. Do some automated launches and then try to manually imitate MechJeb when you feel ready.
  22. My first planetary landing ever was on Duna. Took years before the poor guy got home again.
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