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Posts posted by Felsmak

  1. So, what was the last thing you copied? Paste it here and find out!

    Also, feel free to include some kind of explanation for it while you're at it. :)

    Thérèse Raquin. (From a school assignment. No way I'll type those accent signs more than once!)

  2. Didn't you make one of a view of Jool from a polar orbit of Tylo? I really liked that one and would love to see more like it.

    Yes! I had decided to remake the surface of Tylo at first, but as that might take a while I suppose I could upload that one as well. :)

    the second picture seems to have the inside of an artery or blood vessel clip-art, radially opaque and sitting inside the moon, which has me utterly confused, other than that nice work!

    I assume you're talking about that weird cloud band on Jool's right half? Maybe that one could've been done better, yes. That part was a little bit rushed. :)

  3. Hi and welcome! :)

    I've been in that situation, yes. I felt so heartless for stranding a Kerbal on Duna just to land on another planet, but then I ended up having to rescue the rescuers as well because of a faulty lander.

  4. There's nothing wrong with using MechJeb... but there's also nothing to brag about if you let it play the game for you. :)

    I will forever wonder what it would've felt like to land on the Mun unaided. :(

  5. Hi and welcome! :)

    Learning how to dock and get into orbit sure is a good start, because as a wise man once said, if you can get into orbit, you're halfway to anywhere. :)

    I wish you good luck with that Mun landing, as well! Feel free to share a screenshot or two when it's done. :)

  6. Hi and welcome to the forums! :) That's no bad space program you have there, either! My Kerbals quake in fear whenever it's time to "test" a new design. :D

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