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Posts posted by Felsmak

  1. If you're unfamiliar with orbital mechanics, try and install the mod called MechJeb. It can do basic things like getting to orbit automatically, which offers a great opportunity to learn by simply watching. Do some automated launches and then try to manually imitate MechJeb when you feel ready. :)

  2. That depends on the situation. If I'm feeling confident that the next stage will be able to complete its task on its own, I'll stage when the current stage has served its purpose. However, I always let the ground stage use up all of its fuel before I drop it. Just in case.

  3. Summary: This is a game where you put people in more or less nasty situations by simply coming up with a rhyme for their name! Basically, you mention that everyone is doing something except for that one person and then state the (rhyming) reason why. It doesn't have to be nasty, of course, but it's certainly more entertaining if it is, isn't it?


    Everyone liked to play with fireworks except for Claire, because she was lying everywhere.

    Everyone liked skiing except for Bruce, because he collided with a spruce.

    Everyone supported the WWF except for Amanda, because she shot a panda.

    I'm almost at the very bottom of the Forum Games forum. I am so proud!

  4. Are you departing at the correct phase angle? If not, this is an excellent tool for that:http://ksp.olex.biz/

    When the launch window approaches, click your target planet's orbit and set it as target. Then you can play around with the manuever nodes and timewarp until the closest approach markers come together and give you an encounter.

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