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Posts posted by Felsmak

  1. I prefer vanilla, but occasionally I'll install some mods only to uninstall them later. It just seems like mods somehow corrupt the game so that I have to reinstall, but that could just be bad luck. :P

  2. I ran out of fuel when i was trying to slow down to land. I hit the ground, and it blew up my engine, then it fell over and the command pod separated from the fuel tank, but jebediah survived!

    That's basically how my first Mun landing happened, hehe.

  3. Testing my new ultra-compact Mun lander at the KSC! Just confirming that its design doesn't prevent the Kerbals from exiting and that it doesn't explode when the ascent stage takes off.


    Seems promising enough so far! The ascent stage reached a speed of 104 m/s before it ran out of fuel, but I hope that will be enough on the Mun with the lower gravity and the lack of an atmosphere.


  4. How is the Buran being at the south pole a corruption? I can just bring it over to where I live!

    Your wish left little room for corruption, but if you want to I could place it on the "real" ground beneath the ice so that you can dig it out!

    ... Unless that counts as not being in working condition.

    Granted, but your new form is that of a mole. Just to make your new subjects feel more comfortable with your rule.

    I wish for a ladel.

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