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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. At last, I have once more put Kerbals somewhere I've never put them before - Gilly! Though, they definitely don't have enough fuel to return... I hope the RCS will do the trick!
  2. Lights have been in the game since 0.18.
  3. 7/10 I've seen your name around.
  4. I prefer vanilla, but occasionally I'll install some mods only to uninstall them later. It just seems like mods somehow corrupt the game so that I have to reinstall, but that could just be bad luck.
  5. That's basically how my first Mun landing happened, hehe.
  6. Though, why would anyone lie about what they can and cannot do in Kerbal Space Program?
  7. Granted, but they will now only grant wishes for more wishes. I wish for a tuxedo.
  8. I'm sure a lot of people would find me weird for thinking that realistic spaceships look much cooler than typical sci-fi spaceships.
  9. 2/10 Saw you for the first time earlier today, but I'll probably remember that avatar!
  10. False The user below me has been to Moho!
  11. Granted, but it's strapped onto you. I wish for a burger.
  12. All the time. It brings back memories!
  13. Testing my new ultra-compact Mun lander at the KSC! Just confirming that its design doesn't prevent the Kerbals from exiting and that it doesn't explode when the ascent stage takes off. Seems promising enough so far! The ascent stage reached a speed of 104 m/s before it ran out of fuel, but I hope that will be enough on the Mun with the lower gravity and the lack of an atmosphere.
  14. So I tried to design an Apollo style mission where the lander had a proper ascent stage without making it larger than the CSM. In order to do this, I simply placed a lot of tiny fuel tanks inside the lander pod and it worked like a charm. The catch? That apparently counts as obstructing the hatch. No munwalk for me!
  15. Because he knows that he represents the people who created the awesomeness that is KSP!
  16. Granted. You've now ordered a constant supply of pizza from every pizza maker in the world. I wish for sunglasses.
  17. That doesn't count! Now get back to the drawing board.
  18. Your wish left little room for corruption, but if you want to I could place it on the "real" ground beneath the ice so that you can dig it out! ... Unless that counts as not being in working condition. Granted, but your new form is that of a mole. Just to make your new subjects feel more comfortable with your rule. I wish for a ladel.
  19. Granted, but it's at the south pole. I wish for a pretty watch.
  20. Granted, but it's in interstellar space. Obscure, but not obscure enough to evade me. I wish for a fish.
  21. Granted. You get a box with all Star Trek seasons and you're free to do what you want with it. I wish for a door.
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