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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. Fighting fire with fire, like a boss!
  2. Banned for attempting to restrict the liberty of flowers.
  3. Hmm, did Kerbin use to have its own equivalent of the Mayans?
  4. 0/10, I remember people's usernames through their avatars.
  5. My designs actually use the Poodle for the interplanetary transfer stage. I was surprised to see how well it worked.
  6. Correct! Wrong. It's not valley, it's ridge.
  7. 9/10, I've seen you a lot around here! I can't believe the game is stagnating. How will people now know how famous they are? I have to revive it!
  8. Granted, but you get picked up on the street by the police and get taken to a ranch that sells you to a guy who's secretly into bestiality. I wish for a very own mini-SRB that I can pet and care for.
  9. Correct! Wrong. Wrong. It's not alloy, it's metal.
  10. Not with Jeb. He's the Chuck Norris of astronauts.
  11. Oh, wait. You meant staying above the same spot in a retrograde orbit around Kerbin? I thought you meant staying near Kerbin in a retrograde orbit around the Sun. My bad.
  12. Sure, but you'd have to bring lots of fuel since the delta-V required for attaining such an orbit is twice the orbital speed of Kerbin. First you have to cancel out the speed you inherited from Kerbin, and then you'd have to accelerate back up in the other direction. You can't stay above Kerbin that way, just like you can't stay next to a meeting car on the road. Your relative velocities are simply too high.
  13. Please, stick to the Latin alphabet.
  14. From the looks of it, he also took the video down. Always one step ahead of you, that's our Slendy!
  15. The KSP forums won't be the same without our neighborhood pirate.
  16. Ah, of course. I meant clock-wise as seen from above the ecliptic, I'll be more precise next time.
  17. I assume it isn't a circular orbit seen from an angle, so the answer is no. The parent body has to be in one of the two ends.
  18. Are you in a clock-wise orbit? If yes, just wait until your ship is at its farthest away from Kerbin, so that you can draw a straight line between it, the Mun and Kerbin. Then, you just burn prograde until you leave the Mun's SOI. This way, you also kill the orbital velocity you gained from the Mun, so you'll get a future Kerbin-orbit that will make you fall straight back home.
  19. It may be a bit inappropriate, but I'm actually a bit curious of the thought process of people who find words such as "hardon" super-offensive and start media-****storms about them. Do they crawl up in a fetal position upon seeing the word, cry themselves to sleep and start seeing shrinks to help them endure their personal hardon-crisis?
  20. Info. and rules: Hello, ladies and gentlemen! It's time for another game, and this time, you're supposed to associate words! The rules are simple: You post the first thing you think of when reading the word posted by the above user! How far can we go from the original word? You decide! Example of people playing: Player 1: I think of Duna. Player 2: I think of desert. Player 3: I think of sand. Let the games begin!
  21. If you look very closely, it's there. It's just so small it can almost be mistaken for a speck on the screen.
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