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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. Wrong, but once again so close to being right. It's not hall, it's chamber.
  2. Here's a little clue: The words themselves are more important than their actual meaning.
  3. Wrong, but almost right! It's not swimming, it's diving.
  4. This is a fun little game I saw on another gaming forum a long time ago, and I felt like playing it again. Rules: You try to come up with a new sentence following the it's not X, it's Y-template and then, the next player says if it's right or wrong and posts a new one. Believe it or not, these sentences have something in common! Of course, you are not allowed to say what the word pattern is if you figure it out. The point is to do it yourself and let the others do the same! Examples: It's not difficult, it's easy. It's not banning, it's suspension. It's not annihilation, it's destruction. It's not weekend, it's Saturday. It's not book, it's literature. It's not letter, it's mail. Example of people playing: Player 1: It's not Duna, it's Mars. Player 2: Wrong. It's not Vall, it's Bop. Player 3: Right. It's not speech, it's talk. And so on... Let the games begin!
  5. Banned for possession of an unregistered, elven weapon.
  6. 7/10 I've seen you a lot in this thread now!
  7. It varies. I mostly use mods because I like my rockets more real-looking, but eventually it gets messy, I decide to go stock and I clear the parts folder of all non-stock parts.
  8. Is it possible that I'm thinking too much about the KSP update if I dream that I have a beard that looks just like little Pegasus I Mobility Enhancers lined up along my jaw?
  9. I'm too kind to kill Kerbals on purpose, so I'll start with sending unmanned probes or landers to them.
  10. It's probably because of Minmus' inclined orbit.
  11. 2/10, your avatar looks a bit familiar. I totally didn't expect waking up to six pages of this!
  12. The rules are simple: You rate the above user on a scale of 0 to 10 after how familiar he or she is to you, where 0/10 is completely unknown and 10/10 is a Kerbal celebrity. Let the games begin! EDIT: Hmm, maybe you should also include some kind of short comment, just so people don't write filler-text all the time.
  13. Rolling a 7 with a single, six-sided dice is impossible. This is not, you just need careful planning and timing.
  14. In the next update, there will also be many new planets, first person perspective, a better looking sun, and a nicer sky. Buy it, it's worth it! EDIT: Damn it! My rewording resulted in an accidental double post. I tried to quote the CIA-guy in Good Will Hunting, but failed miserably. Could any mod who feels like it delete the other post?
  15. Good job on the numbers! They will be very helpful as both aerobraking and gravity assists are included in my interplanetary plans. You can never save too much fuel! Though, I hope that once re-entry is implemented, it will be balanced enough to match the cartoony feel of the game. It should be realistic enough to be a challenge, but not so realistic (and hard) that only the best and smartest players can do it.
  16. I've seen it before, it's part of the NovaPunch pack.
  17. You guys are dangerously close to getting sacrificed to the space Kraken! Do not challenge the mods! I saw someone do that once... there were no survivors.
  18. On the outside, I'm like this: I'm a patient man. KSP 0.17 will come soon, for real 'soon', the developers are just too busy to give us any info. On the inside, I'm like this: PLEASE, PLEASE, SAY SOMETHING!
  19. Glorious, just... glorious!
  20. I guess this is a case for Fox and Dana Kerman.
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