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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. around the material is not working for me This is how you do it: [spoiler=title]image code[/spoiler]
  2. Här är en till svensk! Jag längtar verkligen tills det kommer fler planeter, ska bli grymt att skicka Kerbaler till Duna på permane... öh, jag menar på ytterst tillfälligt besök.
  3. If debris would one day appear the same way satellites appear from Earth (as star-like things), I'm going to give Kerbin rings.
  4. I'm eagerly waiting for the changelog-thread to be updated.
  5. I take offense to the fact that you even considered the possibility that I'd like it. Now, just to keep it KSP-related and avoid attracting the moderators' attention with large concentrations of off-topic: I can't wait to crash a command pod into Jool!
  6. I did this yesterday, but I used a set of frontal rockets to brake at the end instead of parachutes. Brutal indeed, but Jeb likes it that way. He wouldn't do it otherwise. Let's see if I can perfect it...
  7. I was doing a routine Mun landing with Jeb, but as usual, poor planning led me to a dark landing site. Against all odds, Jeb landed successfully, but he was disappointed that Kerbin disappeared behind a hill as he descended. He wanted that view, so he took off again to land in a better location. Unfortunately though, the next landing wasn't as successful. The lander fell over, and the engines got detached. So did the parachute, so he had no way to ever return home. However, Jeb is entirely unfamiliar with the concept of failure (and futility), so he decoupled the ascent stage to set the land speed record on the Mun instead. He died.
  8. Maybe the release of the new patcher (which I have yet to obtain) is a sign?
  9. Try this one! http://www./?jfno1uec1ez14zl It's my most efficient design ever, and it has never let me down!
  10. So THAT'S what the Kraken looks like! I see the developers are effective with the Krakensbane, the Kraken in 0.16 has already lost its cloaking device! It's only a matter of time before 0.17 moves in for the kill.
  11. Your patience will be rewarded, my fellow Kerbinaut!
  12. So it begins. The great battle of our time.
  13. Basically, it consumes your fuel at a heavily decreased rate when you're burning at low thrust, so you can get much further that way than what you could at full thrust.
  14. Are there any pictures of Moho somewhere, or have any such pictures not been released yet?
  15. Congratulations! Perhaps you could also get your Kerbals back home some day, provided that you haven't run out of fuel. Also, did you know that you'll soon be able to use this to go to other planets in the full version of the game? Buy it, it'll be worth it!
  16. And it's a beautiful language at that! KSP update-related picture language is the French of picture languages.
  17. It must indeed feel like a tremendous achievement. But I will never know that feeling, because I used MechJeb.
  18. auto-pilot landing is working too good. Nature is so beautiful.
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