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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. Apparently, it does have a surface, but you're not really supposed to be there since real gas giants don't have any.
  2. I've landed several times on Duna, aerobraked through Jool, landed on Laythe, put myself in orbit around Tylo and crash landed on Tylo.
  3. Yes! Yes! Finally I'll get to see another Hale Bop-style comet, I was just a toddler when it passed. I just hope it won't create another Elenin-****storm on the internet.
  4. Maybe I just suck at orbital planning, but whenever I try to approach or orbit around Jool with glorious visions of cool landings, Tylo will always show up, say "NOPE!" and either eject me from the system or make my orbit turn polar.
  5. Oh my, it's The Neverending Story!
  6. Nope, I was right Wrong. It's not fall, it's autumn.
  7. With so many, new places to go to, I'm hoping for a light, deployable Apollo-style rover to make manned surface exploration feasible.
  8. Correct! It's not tool, it's instrument.
  9. Nope, he was right! You were too. It's not wall, it's fence.
  10. Sorry, but wrong. Wrong. Right... it's wrong! It's not call, it's conversation.
  11. 6/10 I've seen you a lot here, and your avatar is very familiar.
  12. Correct! It's not stool, it's chair.
  13. You can't, and there probably aren't any mods that let you do it. Your best bet is to go for any addons that offer large parts, such as KW-Rocketry or NovaPunch.
  14. Kosmos and Bace are two mods I can think of right now that would fit that description. Try them!
  15. I've landed several times on Duna and once on Laythe, but I have yet to land on the others. I'm currently busy getting the first Kerbal on Duna back home, because I felt bad for leaving him there.
  16. Nova once referred to Gilly as the smallest object in the Kerbol system, so it's probably it.
  17. Landed successfully on Duna yesterday, all without MechJeb. The feeling was great!
  18. I'd love to see: A toggleable protractor in the map screen that can assist you in interplanetary travel. An official passenger pod. An official, deployable rover, much like the one on Apollo 15. An official, unmanned command pod.
  19. Squad outdo themselves every update!
  20. A homesick Kerbal thinks of Kerbin as he looks at the sunset. But he will never get there. Another Kerbal stranded on Laythe. Anyone else who finds Laythe a bit eerie? The blue seas and the sky makes it look like Earth or Kerbin, but when you look at the land it's completely dead, and seeing Jool in the sky further reminds you that you are far away from home. It kinda looks like a Dalí painting, too.
  21. It's not because of me, but a guy in my class was messing around in the KSP demo today.
  22. I KSP ever gets something like Orion, I will be a happy man.
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