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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. Your game must be broken. Jeb doesn't fear anything.
  2. Thank you for creating such a unique, awesome, and ever-improving game. I have never seen anything like it in my whole life, and it's my all-time favorite. Seriously, you guys are amazing.
  3. True. It is fortunate that there are so many of them!
  4. Damn. Ah well, that shouldn't be too hard to correct. Now that I think about it, it would also be slightly more comfortable for the Kerbals as well.
  5. Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! Awaiting the release of 0.17 with its new planets, I've been experimenting a little with spaceships that could eventually take me to these new worlds. However, since these worlds aren't available yet, I'll have to settle with the Mun and Minmus. So I've made myself a little spaceship that lets my Kerbals travel to the Mun with style! Though I have yet to figure out how to haul this behemoth into orbit... Mods used: Damned Aerospace's crew tank. RemoteTech. Kosmos. MechJeb. KW Rocketry. Tosh's carts. Those were all of them, I think. I hope I didn't forget any... If you spot a mod I haven't listed, let me know! Craft-file here.
  6. I don't know about Kerbol, but you will explode if you fall deep enough into the gas giant.
  7. Yes, it's planned for 0.17. You can read all about it here!
  8. I prefer do do landings on my own, but it does have its uses sometimes. It's great for learning when to do a transfer and I also use it when testing new designs, just to find out if it can actually make it to where I want to go. I also use it for tedious things that I'd rather not do repeatedly, such as launching lots of comsats. EDIT: Arise, ancient and pointless discussion from the past! Arise, and walk the forums anew!
  9. I seem to be having some trouble with this mod. Apparently, the majority of those cool parts don't show up in my game. EDIT: Nevermind, I think I've found the problem now.
  10. [spoiler=] Now that's what I call an interplanetary spaceship! What mods did you use?
  11. That game looks more epic than words could ever describe.
  12. What's Kerbol like up close, as in near the surface? Assuming your ship could last that far.
  13. The great hero Jebediah Kerman was on his way back to Kerbin after making history by becoming the first Kerbal on the Mun. Then, his parachute wouldn't work during re-entry. There were no survivors.
  14. That rocket looks good, but I like my rockets with a designated ascent and descent stage for the lander. I like to leave something behind when I leave, you know, as a memory.
  15. So far, we've gotten to see pictures of all new planets except the lava planet. Is it some kind of secret to make us even more excited for the update, or has it just not been made yet?
  16. Ghostly Kerbals? That's nothing new. By now, those poor green souls haunt all bodies in the Kerbol system, as well as space itself. That's right, there are ghosts orbiting Kerbin, the Mun, Minmus, and Kerbol. You name it, and the ghosts are there. Hopefully they will find peace some day.
  17. A second Mun arch, eh? I wonder if it's possible to arrange a low orbit going through both. Most likely not, but that would be sweet!
  18. The Mun arch on the second picture does look a bit like Slender Man from the game Slender.
  19. 623) When you realize that you forgot to install wing flaps on your space plane.
  20. These pictures are from a Kerpollo mission whose goal was to land the first Kerbal on the Mun, and this honor was given to Bill Kerman: One of the KSC\'s finest and most experienced astronauts. However, I suck at building rockets, so the mission had to be aborted. He was not happy. Not a Mun EVA, but here you can see Bill taking a last look at Kerbin as he leaves for the Mun. Bill with the still distant Mun in the background. He is happily unaware of the impending, humiliating failure. Bill performing the first munar space walk. Bill looking down at the Mun minutes before being reached by the news that he hasn\'t got enough fuel to land and live. Could anyone who feels like it post or PM me some VAB screenshots of their rocket designs? I just realized that I\'ve never successfully landed on the Mun with stock parts, so I feel a bit lost here.
  21. We need to get Pewdiepie to play it! Apparently, that\'s how Slender got known.
  22. Yes! Another viking brought here by the great Robbaz, I presume? Tack så mycket!
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