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Everything posted by 123nick

  1. this seems like it may reduce the fun of the game. i mean, some of the important parts of KSP ARE forgetting solar panels, not being able to turn your ship, and so on.
  2. if theres a mod that uses a later version of module manager, and i install a new one, will it still work? i think im having some serious glitches
  3. for some reason the agena flight pack is giving null reference exceptions, has no collison mesh, may have over abundance of thrust, and other wierd stuff. dont know whats going on but it happend only after i updated my gpu driver edit: may have been happening before i updated the gpu, but im not sure. edit 2: i think i found the bug. i had 2 module manager ddls, 1.5.5 and 1.5.6 and i switched to the most recent one. should fix most problems
  4. when will we get guns and other weapons of war? that im excited for, but good job with the increased hangar space.
  5. honestly, you should stop going for the perfect release. i mean, im not trying to ask for release date but at first launch im ok if its untextured or poorlytextured and theres no IVA. infact i would LOVE that. release indev version first, then add stuff like textures and IVA. just some advice.
  6. i found a terrible bug! when i mouse over isru refinery in vab, the model rapidly grows untill its covering the entire screen! and it does this wierd blinking thing! and i get out of range null reference exception thingys in the log! help! done with mostly maxed out settings
  7. well its 0.23, i guess that the guns will come soon?

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  8. i cant transmit data when im using some AIES antenaes and LLL antannaes . it seems like some communications devices can transmit when having connection to mission control, but some others cant. how do i fix it so all can transmit?
  9. nice mod infitedice! i bet this will be extremely immersive! slightly off topic, but its being developed by you so i guess its acceptable: how are the guns going? ready for release yet?
  10. you should add a modpack with the download, that has ALL the compatible mods. also, if you cant due to wierd liscenscing reasons, then can you atleast PM me a download?
  11. you should add extra hybrid aluminum rockets, liquid methane tanks and engines, and more uranium and throium contianers of standard stack sizes. right now the amount of engines that use special fuels is far far FAR to limited
  12. well, it has pretty good delta V, i got like a third of the way to the north pole in the atmosphere, and it has great ISP in atmospher or space. it also has 2 refinerys, and one idea is that it could be used as a base module, with tons of power from its 4 2.5 meter nuclear reactors and 10 1.25 meter fusion reactors, and its refinerys, you could just land it on the moon and it would do a great job of supplying power and refining.
  13. it looks cool, like from some space game, has a abort system, and looks cool. i wont release craft file because it just has so many obscure mod parts you would never get them all installed to have to use this thing. pics bellow:
  14. i was aborting from a crashing spacecraft and as my ALCOR pod was almost coming to a stop at 11m/s (far bellow the impact tolerance of said pod) it burned up on re-entry. at 64 meters from sea level. traveling at 11m/s. didnt know kerbins atmosphere was made of thermite in gas form. however, this bug was the first time experiencing it and is proably just a very rare calculation bug.
  15. i extremely dislike your signature. i mean, why hate mods? there awesome, and if anything they make the game more difficult. they also add the things needed to ksp, like before docking was added in 0.18 mods did it sooner in 0.16. not trying to be mean , just my opinon

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  16. isnt LADEE also LDEX, the lunar dust experiment, in that case someone already made it: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-22-kdex-kerbal-dust-experiment/
  17. its actualy ok with tree edit, just go to the tech tree list and reload ackanders tree again. should mostly work.
  18. i HATE when people use the term "soon" and mean from now to the end of time. because honestly, i know its against forum rules to ask repeatedly for release dates, (or is it?) but thats just to vague.
  19. i think a good fix for this use Near-Future tech's capacitor module to make a capacitor, that works with MJ and Stored MJ. the standard capacitors in the mod keep electricity stored as stored charge, and when a button is pressed all of it is released, so you can store MJs in a resource where the fusion reactor cannot use, and then when your out of MJs, discharge the capacitor.
  20. id say a walkthrough would be a pretty good idea. or maybe less of a walkthrough, more of a hint emitter, that gives you hints that help you get science. edit: i think you should make parts, and have like a KAS grabbable "basic science pack" and what you would do is grab the science pack, and then go places and do science with the said basic science pack. it would contain like, a small chisel or hammer or shovel or basic kerbal tools for your EVA kerbal to do science with. like you could test if the water is shovelable and other expiriments similar to that.
  21. honestly thats of lesser priority now, because i found out that none of the science parts work. i can add action groups but once loaded in none of them work. may be fixed in 0.2 but have to check.
  22. Precisely. make the day long walk to the northpole taking samples along the way and you will be able to research basic rocketry.
  23. awesome job! but can you just add Sceppies minipack on that list too? it adds probe sized versions for most parts, like a 0.5m mainsail, or poodle.
  24. can you add scansat compatibility? its like isa-mapsat but more awesome. and its pretty neat.
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