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Everything posted by GROOV3ST3R

  1. I like the idea of doing a grand tour with the lab - flying past planets and moons. each time performing experiments, sending data and resetting them. It's much easier to carry one lab than a sufficient amount of all experiments to yield science from any environment.
  2. Absolutely love it but for one small detail - wouldn't the cockpit look better as a 7 window cupola rather than a regular rocket cone? Other than that, I think Star Wars is here. Now to make a death star....
  3. I simply assume that it is because Kerbin is rotating eastward. This is what gives you a slight nudge towards eastward. My guess would be that you overestimated KSP physics ^^ They are simpler in many aspects than the real thing - though to be honest, I know too little about physics and math in general for my opinion to matter anyway
  4. Kyrian! With the advent of 0.23, control surfaces can be disabled with tweakables! I think it might be a good idea to have each and every craft disable wings during construction on all 3 axes. Also, FAR would be a good thing to have as it would model aerodynamics more closely to reality, rendering vehicles like my old BOXX CART useless and forcing racers to put more thought into their designs. Just a thought. I mean FAR is like 500kb, you could ask the creator if you can post it with a Required Mods pack for the championship. You will need the tracing plugin in there, as well as track files might be a good idea. I could do that for you if you want - it's simple enough to GitHub it ^^
  5. I think EVA and samples diminish in value once you have them. I'm not sure but I think one of my reports was worth no science in the archive. I will check that again though. I actually like this update ^^ It's pretty nice. Lab might need some tweaking at a later date or maybe next patch will bring more functionality to it - remain hopeful and optimistic ^^ You have a LAB, come on. If it just generated science alone, I would dump a couple of experiments in it and leave 10 of them floating around kerbin indefinitely... A little difficulty is not a bad thing you know ^^ Keeps the game challenging and interesting.
  6. That would be what's wrong with your game. I have just downloaded a fresh copy and I'm running it without mods. Works fine. Most of the plugins will be broken by the update - it's usually a good idea to wait until a few days after the launch, when creators fix their plugins or they are tested thoroughly for compatibility.
  7. I genuinely don't care about resource systems- we can get Kethane and expand on that. I personally think that the ability to play with your friends and collaborate on missions will be more fun than a sit-and-wait-while-we-mine-generic-strings-of-numbers kind of adventure. There's no need to panic anyhow - I'm sure that some form of resource systems or maybe an altogether different, more fun and useful activity will find it's way into the game later on. Road to development is bumpy and long and it will take some time before KSP is released - anything could happen between now and that point in time when the game is complete ^^
  8. It doesn't matter what windows you have really, KSP runs in 32bit mode only so it can use a maximum of less than 4GB. I think that's correct anyway - unity is 32 bit but I'm not sure of the exact number of memory it can use. It's not that much though, so try not to overload KSP with mods. If you do, you will need a texture reduction pack. I think they come with B9 and some other mod packs. That should help should your KSP start running out of memory.
  9. It's not that hard actually. Easiest way to do it is to keep your payload to minimum and then have a regular size tank with a LV-N below or stick one on each side for symmetry. Eventually you will get the hang of it. The trick part is slowing down. If you are a beginner, it might be easier for you to slow down in steps - fly down a bit, stabilize, fly down stabilize etc. Keep your vertical velocity in check at all times as well as kill your surface velocity anywhere between 4-6km above sea level. Once you manage to land, you will get the hang of it. Then you can try orbiting the Mun in a circular orbit and lowering your PE to around 5-7km above Mun and then - depending on your TWR (thrust to weight ratio) first stopping your orbital velocity dead and then continuing with a nice, slow and gentle decent to the surface. You will be surprised by the power of as little as 3 LV-N engines. They can land some pretty hefty loads on the surface. For those of us who aren't rocket scientists and who don't calculate everything, trial and error is key. But it's easy enough, I'm sure you can do it.
  10. I'm happy that they are committed to MP mode - it's always more fun playing with other people especially if you could collaborate on a large space mission. Besides, you don't have to keep open servers - maybe we will be able to connect to private servers with only selected players? I mean, why would anyone worry about this at all? How is MP a bad thing? It's fun ^^ People will be able to collaborate on crafts and give live feedback to one another during game or test each others planes etc. There will be so many things we can do with that. It will likely improve the longevity of the game and bring the community closer together. That's just my opinion. ^^
  11. ''Reminds me of spore'' so true ^^ Man I loved that game. Partly why I love KSP so much - freedom to build anything and everything the way you want to ^^
  12. Yeah that one is a gray area. Still, the point stands - themselves they won't have that much funding for a game like KSP just to troll around in. They might convince their parents in one way or another but then such is life - they probably already have done so many times before PewDiePie existed.
  13. that's the idea, I want it to sit here as a reminder for people to be more open to new opportunities and less judgmental. Doesn't bother me if they can't comment - it's just an FYI thread.
  14. The sheer ignorance of most of this supposedly mature community has been overwhelming in the ''PewdiePie wants to play KSP'' thread. The premise of that thread was flawed - PewDie should just pay for his own god damn copy like everyone else. He can afford it. Once you heard this information, was there any need to argue about it any further? Was there any need to spread hate because of your ignorance or small mindedness? Stop and think for a second. Answer these questions to yourself: - Does a popular game reviewer playing KSP affect you if you don't know him? (No.) - Do his videos have millions of views each? (Yes.) - Can he offer a lot of publicity and raise awareness of KSP, bringing it to a MUCH wider player base than anyone of you can? (Yes.) - Can he influence people to buy this game - EVEN if they will just mess about - raising more money for Squad with each copy? (Yes.) - Is his fanbase exclusively 12 year olds? (No.) - Do children playing KSP affect you in the slightest? (No, how could they? It's Singleplayer and even with MP mods you can have private servers....) - Will Children affect the community? (No, the community can be easily moderated, problematic children will be banned - most won't even bother with Forums) - Will Children have money to pay for a game like KSP? (I sincerely doubt that anyone below 12 will even have money, anyone above that age will probably spend it on candy and cellphone credit... such is life) - Will the community change in any significant way? (No. Kids will be banned if they cause trouble, doesn't affect anyone really) There is nothing that irritates me more than empty hatred of something/someone because you simply don't look beyond the cover. That's borderline judgmental. I thought this community was made up of mature people who put thought and consideration into what they say and who don't force their opinions upon others like you have done? FYI, It was a dumb thing to say ''Give him a free copy'' I mean really... That's probably half the reason for this backlash in the first place... Still, come on people. Think BEYOND your own prejudiced opinions. And please, consider how this could also benefit you and the game: - popularity will draw fresh blood into the game, people who have a genuine interest will stay - more funding for SQUAD to develop the game because of new traffic - more funding means more features, possibly more staff, better updates and even more detail - richer game will in turn make for a richer community I do like PewDiePie, I find his videos funny and I have tried many games that he has played. Actually, if not for him, I would probably never get to know certain Indie titles. If you guys could only focus on the positive side of this argument, everyones lives would be much easier. TL: DR PewDiePie should play KSP but he will have to buy his own copy like the rest of us. He will bring attention and publicity to KSP, bringing in more money to develop the game. Community can be moderated, getting rid of people who will be here to spoil the experience and those who care about the game will stay with us. Stop being judgemental Please close this /thread.
  15. Well let's leave it at that - if he wants to play KSP, he will and he will buy his own copy. He can easily afford to if his channel can pay for trans-atlantic flights. He is popular so this is a great opportunity for KSP. go back a page, read what I wrote there - I'm sure you will agree at least with the fact that there is very little harm PewDiePie and his followers can do. And they are likely to bring Squad a hefty profit as well as spread awareness of KSP to bring it to more people with genuine interest. -snip-
  16. He's a guy. I don't know why anyone would suggest we give him a free copy though. He has money. He has studio quality mics and cameras. He doesn't need a free copy. He will just buy the game. One thing I will say is - if you DON'T know who he is, then don't hate on him. He is incredibly popular but if you don't know him, he will not affect you. But we're all mature people so there is no reason to spread hate just because you haven't heard of him. Is hating for that reason any better than being a ''bro''?
  17. Everybody calm the hell down! Pewdiepie is popular - fact. He will ikely bring a lot of publicity and attention to the game - fact. Hordes of 6 year olds WILL NOT flood KSP and community - do they REALLY have that much money to spend on a space game? When I was six, I was happy with a plastic shovel and some sand. Honestly, calm down. Lots of ''bros'' will just watch for publicity. KSP video will earn over 1 million views within the first day - maki9ng it popular and thrusting it on the front pages of YouTube where people who have genuine interest will find the game. Also, even if people buy the game just to mess around, where is the harm in that? WE mess around. Even Scott Manley does - as he demonstrated flying a box from the inside of itself. Boosters? Jeb? come on - fun and messing around is the primary aspect of KSP. Kids will be able to sandbox through their time, have fun and go. Veterans and more advanced or more serious players will stay an integral part of this community. I see no reason to panic. It could be very good for KSP and Squad. Community can be moderated - and kids messing around in their games don't affect you. Other than that, I like PewdiePie. I think he is funny, I like his reactions. Maybe it's my simplistic sense of humor but come on - it's all for fun ^^ Lighten up. I think you need a lesson in internet pop culture - he is THE most popular game reviewer on YouTube right now. His channel is his livelihood. He releases videos daily. He's even been to the red carpet premiere of Enders Game JUST BECAUSE OF HIS CHANNEL.
  18. You are genetically combined with Bill Kerman. (oh the humanity!) (I think the rules state you can't add entire sentences to these - only a few words. It helps keep it from getting out of control ^^)
  19. I don't understand why people say that it's ''unrealistic'' to be able to change sizes of tanks... The so called ''stock'' fuel tank represents a blueprint of a tank. You then adjust it to your needs and your specification and make it. What's so god damn unrealistic about that? Maybe you can't alter existing tanks - but then you can just rip out the internals and manufacture new ones... IS that so far fetched?
  20. The idea is simply to change the proportions of the sub-units within a stock tank to accomodate different amounts of fuel. All that needs is a procedural plugin that will allow us to modify this proportion for both tanks at once - simulating making one smaller and the other one larger at the same time. Procedural wings and stretchy tanks already allow us to make custom parts with physics and properties calculated in real time. Therefore, an ability to alter or possibly even replace the ''sub unit'' from inside of the tank should be possible. We can choose how much fuel is IN the sub unit once we make it. But I want to be able to alter the sub unit itself in SPH/VAB. SSTOs would really benefit from that - you could make a 1 tank spaceplane with a little bit extra liquid fuel for operation within the atmosphere while not having to add more heavy rocket fuel tanks or be stuck with too much liquid fuel and no oxidizer to burn it with.
  21. So you can't stuff fuel into oxidizer tanks - but when building, you adjust the proportions of those tanks. Isn't it natural that you would make one of them purposefully smaller to accommodate less oxidizer and more liquid fuel for an SSTO craft? When it's done, it's done. But before that, it should allow you to select what portion of the entire thing will be devoted to which kind of propellant. Maybe it could be done in a ''procedural'' kind of way - you would have a slider which would adjust max values for each propellant in your tank and THEN you can choose how much of these tanks you want to fill up with fuel. I see advantages that could be obtained by starting half-empty or by having balancing tanks for crafts with offset centre of mass. But while building, we should be able to select how big the Liquid Fuel part of the tank is in relation to the Oxidizer part. Just my 2cents, I'm sure it's been said before ^^
  22. *Continues to watch the hill* ''This is fun, this'' ^^ *passes popcorn to Tidus* 'Want a beer?'' For fun, I send an unmarked mystery crate down to the hill. The contents are unknown to anyone - all we know is, the crate is called The Stig (and it's 2mx1mx1m in size). Continues to watch the hill.
  23. Ninja'd by a person I was looking for ^^ Granted: coinciding with the bad luck of 13th and due to a premature release, the Kraken has been released, destroying everythign and everyone in KSP. I wish for fish.
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